Getting to knoooooww youuuuu...

Erin, over at Living In Yellow introduced a new link up today. It's basically an interview with yourself. A way to ask yourself the hard questions that stop you in your tracks when someone else asks them. I love this idea. It's nice to be prepared instead of word-vomiting all over yourself sometimes.

So here goes:

1. If you could do one thing differently in your life, what would it be?
I can honestly say that the only thing that I would've done differently is that I would've taken care of myself better. I would've stayed in sports through out high school and maybe picked up running, so I could carry it through to college. I probably still would've binge drank and hit up the 3am McDonalds, but at least I would've been doing something on the other end of the scale to help. It's the only thing that I can truly say I regret. I don't take care of myself, and now it's a struggle to get healthy because I've built such bad habits. 

2. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
I have a few specifics for this one, surprisingly. I see myself back living in Sarasota with FH, with my family all within 15 minutes. I see FH and I embarking on owning our restaurant, or, at least thats what the contract says. There may or may not be some kids either running around or on the way. I'm not real sure about that one yet. I'd like to enjoy married life for a while. I would also like to own our own house by that time. 
Ahh, Sarasota. How I miss you.
3. Do you honestly want kids?
Some times I think I do, then I hang out with my friends kids and it's just so much nicer to hand them back. I know that I'll be a mother someday, and honestly a big part of that is that FH is going to be such an amazing dad that I can't stand to not give him children. But a big part of me likes that it's just the two of us. We'll see where it goes. I shouldn't even be thinking about kids, yet. We're not married until end of October.
Ahh! I'm getting married at this GORGEOUS place!
4. What has been the best moment of your life so far?
I honestly could not answer this. I've been blessed to have such a wonderful life full of loving friends and family. I've always been fortunate enough to find jobs that I enjoy, my parents were able to send me to college, which were some of the greatest days. I genuinely can't pick one. I guess the day that I was born into this amazing family could be it.

5. What is your life theme song?
At this moment: The Cure's "Friday, I'm In Love." 

6. What is one thing you have yet to accomplish that you want to do before you die?
Give an animal a home with unconditional love. Soon. 

Gonna get me one of these little lovies.

7. If you could choose one thing to be known for, what would it be?
Being a good person to be around. Whether that means I'm fun, or exciting, or just a good listener. I don't want to be on this earth just for myself.

8. If you could do anything you wanted right in this very moment (no consequences, no fear, etc), what would it be?
Gather all of my family and friends, and anyone else that I enjoy being around, and have all of them be hanging out on an island with me right now. Kind of like "The Beach" style, but with more beer and less death. 

9. What has been the most challenging moment in your life?
I am fortunate that I haven't had a lot of challenging moments in my life. My grandmothers death was very challenging, and so has been losing pets throughout my life which were like siblings. But I was so young when those things happened, that I think one of my most challenging moments was actually deciding to leave my last job for a new one. It was hole that I had been sucked into and over 5 years, I'd become extremely close with my coworkers. It was incredibly difficult to leave, but I was so miserable that I was crying at work everyday. I finally made the choice to leave and found an amazing job that I enjoy coming to every day. 

10. Summarize yourself in one word.
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