The wonderful Madi nominated me for a Sunshine Award! Probably because she's learned how much I like to talk about myself. Sneaky, sneaky.

1. Link back to my Sunshine Award blog
2. Insert the Sunshine Award logo in the post
3. Answer the following 10 questions
4. Nominate blogs/bloggers who add a touch of sunshine to your day
5. Post 10 new questions for the nominees to answer
1. Link back to my Sunshine Award blog
2. Insert the Sunshine Award logo in the post
3. Answer the following 10 questions
4. Nominate blogs/bloggers who add a touch of sunshine to your day
5. Post 10 new questions for the nominees to answer
My Answers:
1. What is your favorite drink?
I'm a big water and wine drinker, but if I had to pick an absolute favorite.. well, it's a tie between Publix sweet tea and Sunkist orange soda.
2. What is your favorite TV show?
Big Bang Theory. All day, errryday. I just love it. I can't even explain it. From the second that show popped into my life, I've watched and bought every single episode and season. I can't live without it at this point.
3. If you could change places with a celebrity, who would you choose?
If it's for good, I would choose Jennifer Lawrence. If it's only for a day, I would choose Britney Spears.
4. Mac or PC?
I love Apple products, but I'm an avid Toshiba user. I've had the best experience of any technology, ever, with my Toshiba lap tops. My first one lasted me 6 years without any problems. I got a new one about 2 years back because it was time for an upgrade, and the thing is still amazing.
5. Staycation or Vacation?
Vacation, all the way. My weekends are technically staycations.
6. Text message or phone call?
I'm a big texter. I rarely have a conversation that's long enough to justify a phone call, unless it's with my mom or Jason, so instead of having all those silent pauses, I just text.
7. A few close friends or a big group of friends?
A few close friends, but I enjoyed having a big group of acquaintances to go out with in college, too. It's just always better to have someone that you're so close with that you can gossip about everyone else the next day.
8. What is your ideal date night?
Delicious dinner on the water, sitting outside with a nice breeze. Then, a walk along 5th avenue with all the lights in the trees up, maybe stop for a drink at Bella Maria. Then a short, shoeless walk on the beach with the moon up.
9. High heels or flats?
I buy heels like they're going out of style, but I basically live in flats. I've accepted the fact that I'm only 5'2", and I need to just make the short thing work for me. Not to mention that my style just tends to gravitate more towards the classy and comfortable end of the spectrum. (Note: this is VERY different from college. It was all cleavage and stilettos, then.)
10. What's your favorite dessert?
Cherry pie. Every year at Thanksgiving and Christmas, my grandmother would make a cherry pie just for me and my cousin, because we were the two who loved it the most. It was always a pre-made pie crust and canned filling, but there was just something about the fact that my grandma made it specially for us that made it taste like love. We've both continued on to love cherry pie more than almost anything in this world.
Meghan at Chasing Elephants
Monica at The Empty Teacups
Stephanie at Be So Happy
1. What is the most important thing you've learned?
2. What's your can't-live-without beauty product
3. Are you a coffee, tea, or energy drink kind of person?
4. If I handed you $100 to use for whatever you wanted, what would it be?
5. What's your favorite place to shop (doesn't have to be clothing)?
6. What's the best way to spend a day off?
7. If you could do anything as your dream job, what would it be?
8. Who has been the most influential person in your life?
9. Where is your favorite place that you've ever traveled to?
10. Describe yourself in 5 sentences.
Monica at The Empty Teacups
Stephanie at Be So Happy
1. What is the most important thing you've learned?
2. What's your can't-live-without beauty product
3. Are you a coffee, tea, or energy drink kind of person?
4. If I handed you $100 to use for whatever you wanted, what would it be?
5. What's your favorite place to shop (doesn't have to be clothing)?
6. What's the best way to spend a day off?
7. If you could do anything as your dream job, what would it be?
8. Who has been the most influential person in your life?
9. Where is your favorite place that you've ever traveled to?
10. Describe yourself in 5 sentences.
Funny! I just did this today!
ReplyDeletei LOVE BBT! sheldon is the best :)
Vodka and Soda
I love cherry pie too! :) I've never seen Big Bang Theory...
ReplyDeleteThanks for the nomination! I'd probably trade with Jennifer Lawrence too. She's awesome
ReplyDeleteThanks for the nomination! I'd probably trade with Jennifer Lawrence too. She's awesome