You used to be filled with red solo cups, upside down closet doors acting as beer pong tables, and dancing to songs that mention boots with fur.
Typical Friday Night
You used to afford me three hours of "getting pretty" with my two best friends, Britney Spears playing in the background, champagne in my hand. We'd kick the boys out of their dorm and take over it as our own, because it was closest to the smokers station.
You held a promise every weekend. Come Thursday night, I knew that for the next three nights my schedule would be booked with beer, cute boys, and my girls.
Now-a-days, you're filled with French bread pizzas, pajamas, and blankets.
Your love will fall asleep on the couch at 5pm and leave you to fend for yourself for entertainment.
Some nights, like tonight, you will look towards Hulu to fill that void. You will catch up on some Love&Hip-Hop. You'll also eat that aforementioned French bread pizza.
Jason's snores from the couch will remind you that your extremely comfortable bed is just a mere ten feet away. But you can't sleep without him in the bed anyways.
Saturday night, when did you become the most boring night of the week?
Was it when I moved an hour away from my friends?
Or when we all got opposite schedules?
Was it when I retired my beer pong shot and my distractions (boobs)?
Oh, Saturday. I do miss the party days. I look back on them and they're remembered so well. So much fun. So many late night McDonalds runs after copious amounts of beer, which will slowly turn into the freshman 30.
I honestly can't say that I remember if this was strip beer pong or just.. because they felt like it.
Probably the latter.
Cue the distractions!
Ohh, college boyfriend. You were trouble.
You didn't need to be in a sorority to sorority squat. Proof.
But when I really think about it, there are few other places I'd be than in my home, with my love.
There are few other things I would rather do than snuggle up on the couch and relax, and not have to worry about who was hosting in who's dorm room that night.
Thank you, Saturday, for helping me grow up. Now help me get rid of these 30lbs. It's been 6 years. I think it's time.
We had fun, party crew.
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