If we were on a coffee date...

If we were on a coffee date, I’d probably order some fancy drink that I don’t really want, in lieu of the plain iced coffee with just a tinge of vanilla creamer that I really desire. And then I would immediately regret it because it’s 95 degrees in Florida.


If we were on a coffee date, maybe we would go to a nice coffee shop downtown, instead of your typical Starbucks. We could sit and watch the passersby, and maybe think up stories of what has happened in their lives, and what might happen in the future for them. We would think up wonderful, happy endings for them, and wish them the best.


If we were on a coffee date, I would ask you about your life. I’d tell you that mine is sort of stagnant right now, but not in a bad way. Stagnant in that way that everything is okay, and you’re just waiting for the other shoe to drop. I’d live vicariously through your stories.


If we were on a coffee date, I would tell you that I feel like I haven’t accomplished anything in my lifetime. I have a husband, job, and family that are all amazing and I love. I have a college degree. I mostly have my health. But I just feel like I don’t have anything that I can say I feel like I’ve made a difference from. Nothing that I stand up proudly and declare.


If we were on a coffee date, I’d tell you that I feel like I’ve lost the connection that I used to find with people. That most days I don’t feel like leaving the house and I would rather curl up with blogs, or a good book, and the dog on the couch than have social interaction. Present company excluded, of course.


If we were on a coffee date, I would suggest we go for a walk down the street while we finish our coffee, and peruse the antique and art shops. I’d find things that would remind me of my grandmother, and I’d tell you that I miss her very much, and that even 13 years later, I can still hear her voice in my head, calling me Jessa.


Lastly, if we were on a coffee date, I’d suggest you come back to the house for a few afternoon cocktails on the patio. Maybe that could evolve into grilling out and laughing the night away, because it’s not often that I get to see you. Think you have time for an old friend today?


  1. Have you read The Fault in Our Stars? The main characters talk about what it "means" to lead a successful life that makes an imprint... And, well, the idea was that they'd made an imprint on each other and while that's not BIG AND PHENOMENAL, it is because they changed one another. I couldn't help but think on that because, well, that says so much. :)


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