
I'm so disappointed, you guys.
I specifically took the time to photograph everything that I did this weekend with my new
DSLR, so I could be a good blogger for once and have pretty photos and something
 interesting for my weekend wrap-up.
I uploaded the photos, then proceeded to delete them from my memory card without
checking first. Well, only half of them uploaded for some reason. I had some recipe photos
 and such to show, but I guess those will have to happen some other time, when I make the
recipe again. For now, here's what did upload, and a few iPhone photos I'm using to take the
place of what I lost.
First and foremost there was a lot of this, this weekend:
Too much champagne, Straw-ber-itas, and beer. Normally I would say there's no such
thing, but it seems that my body just can't handle it anymore.
(I know I said my healthy was starting again on Saturday...but not so much.
Still better than normal, though.)
This was what our fridge looked like Friday night. Pathetic. Left over Chinese food and
alcohol is pretty much all we had in there.

Pathetic, or amazing. I'm not really sure.
This is what the sky looked like after tropical storm Andrea made it's way past us. We actually got two full days of sun this weekend!

I had the whole house to myself this weekend, which hasn't happened in a while, so I took
some time to pamper myself a little. I poured a good 'ole straw-ber-ita (which I will probably
 never buy again after this first 12-pack), put on the Osca de la Renta robe I got at my bridal
 shower last week (which I had beautiful modeling photos of.. but NOOOOOO), and painted my
 nails and toenails.

It was glorious.

 Pardon the boobage, but this is a quick sample of what that Oscar de la Renta robe looks like.

I tried to get crafty and made this water. It was good! But, too much cucumber...

My love and I went to happy hour at Roys Hawaiian Fusion, then shared a monkey bread
for dessert. No pictures of the delicious sushi from happy hour.

Pool time. Schweaty mess.

Our pool isn't fancy. But, it's water to lay by.
Why do we always have to lay by water? In fact, it's worse for you because the sun reflects
off of it and onto your skin. Weird. I guess just because it's pretty.
And I ended up with this jenky sunburn. I call this, "You missed a spot."

Sami's Shenanigans


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  1. Well I love your pictures! I have not tried the Strawberryrita's but I was thinking of buying some for the beach. I don't want TOO sweet though. Are they really sweet? That water looks refreshing.

    1. They're actually not very sweet at all! But you can definitely taste the Bug Light Lime that's mixed in. I wasn't really thrilled with the flavor through the first one, but then they got better. I'd say give them a shot!

      Glad you stopped by, your blog looks right up my alley!


I love comments almost as much as wine, so lay one on me, hot stuff.