Shit with gifs.

You guys.
We're a full week into August.
What is that?
Well, we're a full week into August, which means we're 10 days into my 25th year of life and that's 10 days I've failed at everything I said I wanted to do.

So in the spirit of the fact that I suck because A) I never actually got to write about what I wanted to change, and B) I woke up this morning to my liver and kidneys hating me (a large Redbull and a bottle of wine, do not a healthy liver make), I guess I'll go ahead and post about it.
Plus, you know, maybe then I'll actually do stuff.
I've been imbibing a bit too much on the Jesus juice lately. Like over a bottle a night habit.
So, in the spirit of health, I'd like to stop keeping my liver and kidneys in a stranglehold and try to keep it to the weekend, or two glasses a night (barring any special happy house circumstances, of course- I'm broke, not stupid).
I seriously eat like an 8 year old who was left home by himself on vacation.
It's legit a problem.
It's like when I moved out of my parents house and moved into my dorm, I went nutso and just started eating anything and everything I could because no one was there to tell me not to, or for better thinking, because I had always been told no in the past.
Macaroni and cheese with hotdogs and chips for dinner? I'll take two helpings, along side my four Bud Lights and then a giant bowl of mint chocolate chip after. What? Nip/Tuck is on tonight? Well then we have to make peanut butter toast and watch it in my bed together because that's the tradtition.
For those who don't know, I work a desk job. I'm a design assistant at an interior design firm. I fucking love my job. I've seriously never, ever been happier at a job before. That also means, though, that I spend 9 hours a day under fluorescent lights, staring at a computer tweeting and reading blogs
So I guess what I'm trying to say is, I need to get off my butt and move more.
I've gone to the gym three times in the past week, which is cool, but not really going to cut it. I spend my weekends with my butt planted pretty firmly on my couch as well, so I it's just something I need to work on.
Seeing other human beings that aren't asking me to order fabric samples or do the dishes would be nice. I used to have friends. I used to be out constantly. Granted, it's been better for my wallet, but I feel like I have no life now. I live about an hour from my friends and they're not real keen on driving down to see me-actually, that's an excuse. It's more the fact that our schedules don't always work together and, when they do, sometimes I just feel like avoiding everyone and hiding in my black hole of a condo. Like so much so that I look like this when it's 5pm on a week day:
So I'd like to make a better effort to see the friends I have left.
This one isn't that hard. There's never been much of a lack of confidence on my side. But sometimes I don't speak up about or do things that I care about because I don't want to be around new people, or I don't know if I can do it perfectly, so I choose not to do it. Instead, I sit over in the corner while everyone else does things, and just basically watch other people make shit happen while my shit sits still.
Well that needs to change if I want to get anywhere in life.
It's like I got my first "grown up job" (selling construction materials) and I hated it so I just decided that it was cool if I just kind of coasted by for the rest of my life. Which, I guess really isn't that bad as long as I get my shit done and pay my bills.
Anyways, I'm already proud of the fact that this post is done before I have to start getting ready for work so maybe we can just call it even on all that other stuff and God can just go ahead and make me skinny with a healthy liver and kidneys.
In the mean time, I have to go shower because apparently they don't like it when you work out then don't shower for two days and come into work. Whatever.

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  1. LOL this is hilarious. i also work a desk job but most of my time is spent yelling at the idiots i work with so it's not all that bad. yelling burns up a lot of energy.

    Vodka and Soda


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