A post with no pictures that's about losing weight.

I thought I would warn you ahead of time.
I’m not going to lie to you, this post is forced. I’m crazy busy right now between work and finish up the wedding plans, and it’s been really hard to stop and use my brain for anything other than those two subjects. Needless to say, it’s not exactly going to be of quality.
Anyways, it’s a weigh in Wednesday post, so if you’re not interested in hearing about what I’ve been eating or how much I’ve lost in the past few days, come back and see me after October 26th (the wedding day). I should have plenty more time then to post things of some sort of interest.
Onto today’s topic. I have been eating so much food over the past few weeks, that I finally just got to the point where I didn’t care about food anymore (WHAT?! I now, it’s actually possible!) and so for the last few days, I’ve been eating healthy (read: boring) and calorie counting. I figure, if I’m not caring about what I’m eating, I may as well be eating lean meats and veggies instead of shoveling pizza down my throat (although, pizza is all I’ve been able to think about for the last 24 hours).
I started calorie counting on Monday and I’ve been doing very well. I’ve been having an oatmeal blend (it has quinoa, oats, wheat barely, etc) in the morning with my black coffee, and for lunch I’ve been buying one of those little frozen boxes of veggies and just adding some pre-cooked meat or seafood to it.
For dinner I’ve just been trying to make normal meals. Monday night I made pork chops, a teriyaki veggie stir fry, and some long grain wild rice. Last night I was by myself and the entire kitchen was covered in clean dishes that were drying, so I didn’t have access to my stove. I caved and popped a can of Chef Boyardee lasagna in the microwave. About 2/3 of the way through, I felt awful. It was just absolutely not what I wanted to eat, so it was crazy unsatisfying, and it almost immediately made my stomach upset.
It was a mistake, but it happened. Today I forgot my oatmeal, so I ate a serving of turkey kielbasa (because it’s all I had on hand here at work) and am awaiting the end of this post to go add that very same kielbasa to a microwaved box of veggies and annihilate it for lunch. Jason is home tonight, so it will be a regular dinner night. I’ll make good choices, though
I’m down about 4lbs from Monday morning, obviously most of that is water weight, but I’ll take it. (Warning: girl info about to happen) I started my period this morning and in a strange turn of events, I don’t feel bloated hardly at all, so it’s extremely encouraging to keep on keepin’ on. Wish me luck through the next week and a half until the wedding. I need to lose about 5-8 more lbs to fit perfectly in my wedding dress. It’s a stretch, but if I can even get close, it’ll be great.

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  1. keep doing what you're doing re: clean eating and counting calories. when your body purges itself of the sugar/processed junk and you reintroduce it, you feel horrible!! that right there tells you how horrible that stuff is for you if your tummy hates it.

    can't wait for the wedding recap!

    Vodka and Soda


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