A few weeks back, Miss Madi nominated me for a Liebster award. If you haven't seen these around the blogosphere, you can get the scoop below on what it means. I've been saving it for a rainy day (aka: an I-have-no-idea-what-to-write-about day) so I'm bustin' it out.
Liebster Award is used by bloggers who have 200 follows or less to promote each
other in order to make more friends in the blogging community and attract more
attention to their blog! Each nominee must first list 11 random facts about
their self, then answer the 11 questions provided by the person who nominated
them. Lastly, choose 11 bloggers who have 200 followers or less on bloglovin and
ask them your own 11 questions!The rules:
Thank the person who nominated you and link them in your post.
Tell 11 random facts about yourself.
Answer the 11 questions provided by the person who nominated you.
Choose 11 blogs you like and link them in your post.
Write 11 questions for these bloggers, so they can answer them.
Go to their page and let them know that you nominated them.
Random Facts:
1. I once sang a solo at the county fair.
2. I love chickens, but hate all other birds. They scare me.
3. I'm one of the least picky eaters out there, but you will NOT get me to eat a Butterfinger.
4. I could eat crab by the bucketful.
5. I've never broken a bone. (Knock on wood.)
6. I shoot skeet pretty damn well.
7. I try hard not to cuss, but one beer and I'm tossing f-bombs around like it's nothing.
8. I have no idea what I want to be when I grow up.
9. I hugged Charles Barkley.
10. My hair is my security blanket.
11 Questions:
1. What is the best gift you've ever received?
This might be cheesy, but so far in life, I would have to say my wedding. And not because it was pretty or any of those kinds of reasons, but because it was a chance for our two families to get to meet each other- a chance that wouldn't normally happen. Jason's entire family lives in Indiana, and mine here in Florida. The wedding was an excuse for a lot of his family to get to visit a place they had never been, and to meet members of my family that they'll probably never encounter again.
2. What is your favorite season?
I love fall, but when you live in south Florida, you only get a few weeks of it a year, so I guess I would really have to go with spring. Spring in Florida is the ultimate weather. No humidity, sun shining, breeze blowing, you can go to the beach and not be drenched in sweat, but you can also drink a frozen margarita without freezing.
3. What is your favorite warm beverage?
The warm beverage that I drink the most often is coffee, but if I had to pick my favorite, it's probably apple cider. Mmm. I can drink a caramel apple spice from Starbucks at ANY time of the year!
4. What is your favorite activity?
Singing. 100%. I argue with my husband all the time about how he can sit and stare at a wall and be entertained, because his mind is always going, going, going, but I can't do that, because if I'm not actively thinking about something, my mind is singing, singing, singing. I'm always singing. Luckily for the people in my life, I'm not so bad at it. ;)
5. What is the best book you've ever read?
This is a really tough one. A few years ago I would have answered that it was Sarah Dessens Dreamland, but nowadays I tend to go for lighter topics. When I read, I normally do it to escape my own world, so I want to go to one that has me laughing or is a character that I'd like to be more like in real life. So I would say that my favorite book is Devil in the Junior League by Linda Francis Lee.
6. What would your last meal on Earth be?
I thought this one would be hard, but as I put my fingers to the keyboard, it just started pouring out. I guess I'm hungry! Chicken fried steak with gravy, a good sticky-sweet cornbread, my moms mushroom-rice dish (click for recipe), cinnamon apples, and macaroni and cheese, with extra-sweet tea to drink and cherry pie for dessert. Mmmmm, mmmmm.....
7. What is your favorite quality in yourself?
I'm a generally happy person, though as of late this might not seem the case. I can be pretty happy and comfortable in almost any situation. I'm not easily aggravated or irritated.
8. What is your favorite quality in the opposite sex?
Communication. This is so cliché, but I'm a communication major and the one problem I've seen throughout my entire life is that women and men communicate 1,000,000% differently. This causes such great rifts in relationships. When my husband and I first started dating, we remained title-free for a year, but our biggest rule was communication-communication-communication. If one of us was feeling like we were being used, or being mistreated, we needed to tell each other.
Don't get me wrong, I was a 19 year old girl who desperately wanted him to DTR (define the relationship, if you're not an Awkward fan), so I was lying a great amount of the time when he would ask about if I was still comfortable with our situation- but I kind of was! Because I knew he was being honest with me.
We're not perfect- we fight all the time, but that's because we communicate, and that's what keeps our relationship going. We're working to find what works for us.
9. Dogs or cats?
Simple: DOGS. No thank you to the cat-er-oo's. I actually have a post coming up soon about 'things that most bloggers like, but that I hate'. Cats are on that list.
10. Red wine or white wine?
A year or so ago, I would have instantly said red. But I've been stuck in a white love for about a year now and I don't know why. I'll take them both!
11. Why do you blog?
When I first started discovering that some blogs were popular enough to turn into a business (like Cupcakes and Cashmere), I got more interested than just writing a random sentence or two about my day. I'd been on Livejournal and used the Myspace notes and all of that goodness- I even used to write semi-fictional stories based on my life experiences and save them on my computer at home (this was pre-internet). But when I discovered all of these amazing, inspiring, and beautiful women on here, I knew that I wanted in.
I haven't done much in this world yet, even though I've been here since around...February, I think? It's been a nutty year with all of the wedding planning and becoming a grown up and all of that, but one of my goals for 2014 is to be more organized, and that means being more involved with my blog.
11 Blogs:
A Peach State Of Mind
Belle in Boots
Life in the Lowcountry
Home Sweet Ruby
Happily Ever Parker
Believe in the Sparks
One Hot Southern Mess
Linen and Lace
Like American Honey
Life's Better Being Southern
Southern Cinderella
11 Questions:
1. Favorite alcoholic drink?
2. Favorite meal to cook for others?
3. Who is your bestfriend and why?
4. Do you have any pets? Tell me about them, if so.
5. What is your biggest future plan that you currently know of?
6. If you could buy one thing right now, what would it be?
7. What are/were your plans for New Years?
8. Where are you from?
9. What do you want to be when you grow up?
10. What do you currently do for a living?
11. What is one of your biggest dreams?
Cheers, and happy new year!
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