Hi, everybody! (Did anyone else read that in a Dr. Nick voice?!)
I see all of these DIY face mask recipes all over and I've always wondered if they actually do anything. Well, the other night while I was watching tv with Jason, I looked over at him and realized that he was sound asleep snoring and immediately thought: girly time. It was 10pm, so I didn't really have enough time to do my nails and let them dry hard enough to get in bed by 11pm. So, what else was there?
Face mask.
I don't own any, though I should probably invest in some. I'm not getting any younger. I decided to pursue the hunt of finding one online, and one with minimal ingredients at that. I came across the usual, honey with sugar and lemon and such, but the ones that were 1 ingredient really caught my eye. What could be easier?
I opted against banana, because I thought it might make me hungry (also, I really wanted to save my banana for lunch the next day...) so I went with egg.
Notes: For oily skin, use only the white. For dry skin, use only the yolk. For normal skin, use both!
I went for both.
Here's how the process went and turned out.... (excuse the iPhone photos)
Start with your regular face. Duh.
Pull your hair back and out of the way. Then remove any makeup you have on. I like to rely on moisturizing face cleansers instead of washing my face. I use St. Ives Blemish Control Apricot Scrub, and I don't want to scrub my face too much for fear of damaging my skin. So I save the scrub for every other day and use my wipes in between.

My natural face. Yes, there is a bit of a filter here, but you can also see that I have a bit of acne. It happens to be "the week before" if you catch my drift, so bare with me.

Take 1 egg.

Scramble it up. Don't fry it.

Apply to face. I only used about 1/4 of the egg, so I put the bowl in the fridge to possibly use again the next night, if I liked it.

Let it sit on for 20-30 minutes. My best advice is to close your eyes for the first minute or two after applying. The egg begins to dry immediately and it will, basically, dry and hold your eyes open. It almost feels like you got Botox shots all over your face.
Andd: after.
My skin didn't really look much different, but it felt extremely smooth and soft. It felt a bit tighter, too. And actually, when I woke up the next morning, that pimple on my cheek was GONE. I'd do it again! I think I might try a more complicated one next time, though. Something a little creamier, that will slather on thicker.
Do you guys have any favorite DIY face masks you could suggest for me?
Oh! One last thing! I got crafty the other day and was playing with my hair, and I actually ended up being pretty proud of it! Take a look!
I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY suck at doing hair, so this is a big feat for me, guys. I do pony tails, sock buns, and flat-iron curls and that's IT. I don't even braid well.
That's all!
I should try that. My face is all sorts of yuck thanks to this cold winter at the moment.