
If there is one thing, ANYTHING, that I'm really, really good at, it's making plans and then going TOTALLY against them.

So once again, like I've done about a million times before this, I'm writing a post about what I'm going to do to make changes. But if I don't keep trying, I'll never make it, right?

We've been really bad again, lately. I haven't been grocery shopping in a good month and so we're running on pasta and takeout.

Wednesday night we had chili dogs with mac and cheese and potato chips. Last night it was Taco Bell. Blehhhh.

Anyways, here are my intentions.

1. Tonight I'll be going to the gym after work and scoping out the shower situation. If there is still only freezing cold water, I'll work out after work three times a week. If the showers are fixed, I will try my hardest to work out every morning before work.

2. Bring healthy snacks to work, and lunch at least three times a week. My coworkers and I decided that for Lent, we're only allowed to buy lunch out twice a week, which is still an excess. It should be once, at most. So I'm shooting for once. So far, I've been able to stick with this one and giving up soda. Though Jason tried to ruin that one tonight by buying me a Baja Blast Mountain Dew at Taco Bell. The ONLY Mountain Dew that I like, and by that I mean COULD DEVOUR ALL DAY LONG.

3. Cook real dinners every night, Monday through Friday. We REALLY like to go out, so I'm giving Saturday and Sunday some freedom on this one. Some ideas for the upcoming week are: chicken and shrimp fajitas, shrimp and grits, chicken tortellini soup, seafood mac n cheese, and big ass cobb salads. As you can see, I'm trying to buy bulk chicken and shrimp and work with that all week long.

4. Drink 100oz of water a day. It's come to my attention that I've been surviving off of iced coffee, beer, and wine lately. I've had about 20oz of water a day that it's it. Yeeeeep. Need ta change dat one dere.

And since I'm trying not to get too lofty with this, though #2 already threatens that, I'm going to stop here. These are my main goals this upcoming week. Support me?

And because it's Friday AND pay day, drop down and get cho eagle on.

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  1. we eat at home 6 days a week and only go out on saturdays. not only has it saved our waistline, but also our wallets! (we love going out to eat too).

    bring a boxful of healthy snacks to work and store them in your desk drawer. i think it's hard for people to pack lunches/snacks is the tediousness of having to lug all that shit day in and day out. so make it easier for yourself and just leave that shite at work (if you can).

    yes to the water. helps keep you full and prevents you from snacking!

    Vodka and Soda

  2. I do the same thing with plans, its horrible. Oh well.

    I never shower at the gym, luckily I live close enough and have such a screwed up schedule I come home first.

  3. These sound like great and totally doable goals. Not eating out saves so much money, which means MORE PRETTY THINGS!!!

    I've recommitted myself to making food at home during the week nights too. It's saved us a lot of money and also calories! :) Just don't wear yourself out on chicken and shimp... I can't eat the same thing every night. :/


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