Georgia Back Woods

So you wake up at 5:45am and since you can't fall back asleep you think, I should write a blog post while I actually have the time!
Then, when you can't think of anything to write, you log onto Facebook for inspiration. No inspiration comes and you find yourself staring at things like this.
So that's where I'm at right now. No inspiration and some messed up stuff on my computer screen.
So here I sit with my coffee and some Little Big Town 'Boondocks' playing in the background.
You know what? Inspiration just hit. Thank you, LBT.
I've been missing something big time lately and I can't stop thinking about it.
Growing up, we spent our summers at cabins in the woods of Georgia and North Carolina. Those are some of my fondest memories. Lately I just can't get it out of my mind.
I miss swimming in rivers and lakes, and taking hikes where we think we're lost after 3 hours so we turn around and walk the 3 hours back, then realize that we were right at the end of the trail before we turned around.
 I miss picking wild blackberries and having to stop to clear logs from the road so my dads truck can get through the backwoods roads.
 I miss sitting on a back porch in a rocking chair with my family, talking about life and all of the things we want out of it, watching the fireflies light up around us.
By the way, if you want to be mesmerized, Google image search Fireflies. Worth it.
I guess I just miss being disconnected a little bit. Just me and the people I love, out in the woods, playing rummy and cooking Jiffy Pop on the stove. No cable, but we might rent a movie one night, if the stars don't provide enough entertainment. But I doubt that.

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