When your heart breaks.

Today's post was planned to be about my goals for May, how happy I was with the way life was going, and other things of the sort.

But I woke up this morning and found that my parents dog had eaten a pack of gum while we were sleeping. I thought nothing of it while my mom and I cleaned it up, and went on my way to work.

My mom texted me around 9:30am, and asked me what kind of gum it was. I told her, and she proceeded to inform me that the sugar substitute (Xylitol) in that gum was poisonous to dogs. In fact, 100 times more poisonous than chocolate.

Commence flip out.

Two small sticks of sugar free gum can kill a dog Mazi's size (25lbs).

My parents took her to the emergency vet and the doctor induced puking and hooked her up to a machine that is supposed to regulate her blood sugar. Xylitol is metabolized in a dogs body all at once, instead of slowly, like a human. It also does not affect cats, only dogs.

Mazi will have to stay over night to be watched and to complete her rounds of treatment, and with all hope, will be back to her normal self by tomorrow.

My mom spoke with the vet around 1pm, and he said that she was doing better and that her blood sugar was becoming more normal. We were lucky that we realized this was a problem before she started showing any symptoms, and were able to get her to the emergency vet as soon as possible.

I should get home around 6:30pm, and my mom and I are going to visit her then.
Please keep this sweet face in your prayers, and I promise tomorrow I'll be back with exciting news (for myself, at least) and May goals.

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  1. Poor baby! Give her some good snuggles when you see her tonight!

  2. I am a huge dog lover so I am sending tons of good thoughts to that precious pup and you guys!

    1. Thank you so much! For some reason, your comments don't come to my email! There is a setting in Blogger that you have to choose for it to do so, have you ever tried it?


I love comments almost as much as wine, so lay one on me, hot stuff.