May Goals and an Announcement

I’ve been trying really hard to think of goals that aren’t just the typical exercise three times weekly or eat healthy as often as possible goals. It’s hard. But I take that as a good sign. I mean, if nothing immediately comes to mind, then I’m pretty satisfied with my life, wouldn’t you say?


It’s kind of like when Jason makes fun of me for not being able to entertain myself. If I’m TV/Book/Phone-less, I need to talk or draw or do something. I can’t just sit and think and be entertained. I told him this is because, in my mind, I’m constantly singing. If I’m not talking, writing, or specifically trying to figure out a solution to a problem, then I’m singing in my mind. This causes me to just be zoned out and not really of sound mind. I was told by our friends that, “…is awesome. If you’re not constantly thinking about things, then you must be pretty content with everything. Don’t you think?” And I loved that.


So my goals for May are simple. Realize my contentment and be present in my daily life as much as possible.

Don’t get me wrong, the other goals are still buried in my brain as well.


Eat healthy.


Be a better blogger.

Use my camera more.

Be a better friend and family member.

Take care of my car.


Those goals will always be in my mind, but what I find myself needing to bring forth on a daily basis are the issues of really being present (getting off of my phone or computer and just enjoying my surroundings) and remembering that I have everything I need in my life right now and that God has truly been answering my prayers as of late. We have wonderful things ahead for us and I couldn’t be more grateful.

May goals aside, I have an exciting opportunity happening in my life. And it actually begins today. 

With our big move to Sarasota, my boss has become terrified that she's going to lose me [a) I'm flattered, but b) she's not], and has offered me the opportunity to work from home two days a week! 

I'm currently set up in my moms office, uncomfortably, from home. 

The bonus of this, though, is that it helps with my goal of being more present. I'm no longer losing three hours of my day to a drive, and it allows for me to adjust my schedule to fit family get togethers, and such. 

Also, Pupdate: the vet said that Mazis sugar was looking good and that her liver test was pretty good as well. They want her to eat something, then they'll test her again and we'll know for sure that our sweet little love is okay. God bless vets and all of those out there that help our littles. They're helpless when it comes to helping themselves, and we're fortunate to have those with us who can keep them safe. 

Thank you for your prayers! I feel like, lately, I've never prayed so much in my life. Between Jasons new job, the tornado victims, Mazi, and now these floods and wildfires happening in New England and California, my heart is weighing so heavily. Please keep all of these precious lives in your thoughts. 


  1. working from home is awesome. while people may abuse it, i tend to work more because i don't have to spend endless time in damn traffic and i get to work in my pjs :)

    glad that Mazi is on the mend.

    Vodka and Soda

    1. Yes! Working from home yesterday was badass. I got to sleep until 8, wore yoga pants and a big tshirt, and had Law&Order SVU on in the background all day. Not to mention I saved a half a tank ofgas. I'm psyched!


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