Thursday Thoughts

Because it's my blog and I do what I want. Like start with a sentence fragment.

Looking down at your stomach in a dress and thinking, "This is what it would look like if I were pregnant," and realizing that you're not pushing your stomach out at all is kind of disheartening.

Last night I tweeted Lady Antebellum and they retweeted me and I'm pretty sure that tweet went on to be the most internet famous I'll ever be in my life. It was pretty cool but also really annoying that I was trying to sleep and my phone kept lighting up from Twitter notifications.

One of the most important things I've ever learned is when to keep my mouth shut. I've been having to practice this a lot latey. I wish some other people would, too. Like Jason when he sleeps.

My bestfriends birthday is this weekend and she's coming into town and still has no idea what she wants to do for it. This is a problem to me because I pretty much know what I want to do for my birthday weekend six months before my birthday even comes. How am I supposed to budget out my drinking money if I don't know what opportunities to bang back whiskey and rum I'm going to have? Though I think we're meeting for dinner and to watch the Heat game tonight, so there's that. Even though I hate the Heat.

Speaking of Twitter, I need the draft to happen again because #girlsgonedraft was the greatest social media effort EVER. Thanks to Ashten and Sarah.

I skipped the gym this morning because I drank a lot of rum and coke last night and somehow didn't feel the alcohol at all but once I woke up I definitely did. So hopefully I'll go in the evening. Or maybe mid day on a lunch break.

I haven't drank any coffee or eaten anything yet and I need to remedy this. I'm off to do that.

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  1. I have definitely had that happen before with drinking...there is nothing worse than a hangover when you weren't even drunk!!! The joys of getting older?

  2. OK but when drinking at night do you like psych yourself up to go to the gym the next morning but then you wake up and want to die because all the previous night's shenanigans?!?!


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