It's My Birthday Weekend

So here's the deal: Monday is my birthday. You can DM me on Twitter for my address if you want to send me a gift. You know, if you feel like it.

But I told everyone not to get me anything this year because I’m turning 26 and 26 is SOOOO BORRING. I feel like as soon as that clock hits midnight on Sunday night that I automatically have to start trying to act more like an adult or something. Like I have to start running in the morning like Tami or like I have to stop spending so much money on food and booze. But food and booze are what make me happy and that’s not fair, because the only reason I work 50 hours a week is to afford my food and booze.

Anyways, I also found out last night that my best friend isn’t going to come to town this weekend, so that kind of put a damper on it, too, because what is a birthday girl without her best friend by her side to take disgusting drunk photos together and pound back too many Fireball shots with. 
So that’s where I’m at right now. I’m whoa-is-me-ing about not being able to get drunk with my bestie testie and thinking about lunch.

You’re welcome for that life update.

Moving on. Kind of. They’re buying me a Red Velvet cake from Publix (yes, I linked to the cake- LOOK AT IT AND BE JEALOUS) at work on Monday and I’m going to slam back pieces of it like I’ll never have another delicious, moist slice of cake that used to be colored by crushed beetles (look it up, I ain’t lyin to ya). 

On Tuesday, post-cake massacre, I’m going to go Shannon style and trying to stop the boozing and carbing and general lazying for a little while. So be prepared for more talk about that, because that never goes out of style in this place.

Also, even though I told him not to get me anything for my birthday Jason got me new windshield wipers and put them on my car for me, and he also got me a Drake CD that I'd been wanting and instead of gift wrapping just threw it straight at my face in the FYE bag it came in because my husband is such a winner. #blessed

And now I leave you with my birthday anthem.

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  1. Not having the BFF there is 2nd worst to having a BFF who gave up drinking. Maybe you can facetime while drinking, because that's what real BFFs should do! :)
    Happy Birthday! :)


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