Just Your Regular, Average, Weekend Update...

...with bad quality iPhone photos. My weekend in a glimpse:

Snuggling with my baby-cousin, Riley.

My cousins baby-daddy kept screaming at cars that were driving by, "Slow doooown, there's FUCKING KIDS HERE!" and we were cracking up pretty hardcore until his four year old started adding, "Yeah, asshole!" at the end, in his Mickey-Mouse voice. Okay, we might've laughed then, too. WE'RE ONLY HUMAN. 

Saturday night was girls night. We got halfway through the second one when we suddenly realized we needed to stop drinking RIGHT AWAY.
 My bestfriend, Rachel, and I. Being all hot and stuff. You know.
 Typical Florida, yesterday morning.

 On that note, peace out snitches.

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  1. omg. That Jack bottle. I almost dry heaved right here in my office.

  2. Ahh that Florida sky! Let me guess...15 minutes later it was shining and beautiful out? Sounds like you had a fun weekend!


I love comments almost as much as wine, so lay one on me, hot stuff.