America is...

...the only place in the world that I would want to call home. There are a lot of really beautiful places in this world, but nowhere holds my heart like the good ole' US of A.

...full of heart. Americans understand that we have some milestones we still need to work towards- some issues to handle- but for the most part, we're the first to defend our home to the death. We love our country with a fever that doesn't cool and we're willing to give it the devotion and time it needs to make changes.

...the dream. I know many people who have immigrated from other countries, and they'll be the first to tell you that the American dream is still alive and kicking, and that coming here was the best decision they've ever made. I'm proud to be a part of a place that offers a better life.

...still learning. We've made a lot of mistakes and have a lot of changes to make on the horizon, but we're still young as far as countries go. 238ish years is still a baby compared to the rest of the world. home. When I sing the National Anthem, put my hand over my heart for the Pledge of Allegiance, or drive through the beautiful country, I tear up. I think how happy I am, and how this land has facilitated that. How lucky I am to be born into a place that has allowed me to get a full education, continue on to college, fall in love with whomever I wanted, and work towards a peaceful, happy life.

I hope you all have a wonderful holiday weekend with your friends and families. Happy Fourth of July, and please don't forget those who've given everything to keep this country the great place it is. My heart goes out to those in the military and our veterans. I have more respect for you than I can even begin to describe.

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  1. This post is so great! So genuine and makes me so happy to live in the USA! Thanks for sharing! Hope you had a great 4th!


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