Everyone Loves a Goal Post

No, not the kind from football. It's that time of the month again where I make a list of semi-unattainable goals and try to convince not only myself, but you as well, that I can achieve them.

July is a special month to me for many reasons, the biggest of all being that it's my birth month. But it's also my dads birth month, the Fourth of July, and what feels like true summer. Add on top of that, that Jasons restaurant finally opened last night and you have the makings for a good month (granted, a month that I won't see him very much, but it also means that he's back to work and feeling good about himself).

I'm going to keep my goals simple this month. Lately, I've been feeling like I'm in a slump. I've gained about 10 pounds since we moved here, we're always low on cash from living off of one paycheck, and I haven't gotten a good, full nights sleep in weeks. With all of the wonderful things that happen in July, I don't want to let this month just pass me by. My main goal for July is just to be happy.

Don't get me wrong, I'm happy overall. But there is a difference between being generally happy and being I love life happy.

Since everyone loves a list (actually, I think everyone just loves making lists, they don't enjoy reading them), here's some of the small ways I plan to be happy this month.

+ eat lots of in season fresh fruits and vegetables.
+ grill as many of those^ as I can.
+ stop feeling guilty for wanting to sleep when Jason gets home late at night.
+ start putting effort into my outfits/makeup again.
+ put on clothing that isn't yoga pants or pj's for the days when I work from home (started this today!)
+ remember to buy sparklers for once.
+ make time for friends, even when there isn't any.
+ somehow, someday, make it out to the beach.
+ smile a lot. like all the time. if possible.
+ plan a great birthday weekend, even if its simple as pie.
+ work hard when I'm at work, slacking makes me feel blah.
+ stop reading books that make you sad all day and read something happy for once.
+ get my hair done (yes, this counts. IT'S BEEN 7 MONTHS. I'm a brunette again for God's sake).
+ find a place to make Jason and I happy again, whether it's renting or buying.
+ take a bubble bath with a good book and a glass of wine. cheese optional.

Like I said, it's nothing life changing, and there's a reason for that. Think about all of the things that make you happy. Sure, some of them are fancy vacations and pretty clothes, but otherwise I'd bet a lot of it is simple things like being near the ocean, making your best friend laugh, or cracking open a fresh beer on a hot summer afternoon. Those are the things I want to learn to appreciate again.

What are some of the small ways that you decide to be happy everyday?

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