Hump Day Confessions

You know what time it is, folks! Time for me to confess some things that really aren't confessions but I'm going to label them as so because I want to participate.


Vodka and Soda

I confess that I bought mesquite chips instead of natural briquette charcoal on accident last night and that the burgers tasted so good that I went back for a second. With zero regret.

I confess that I'm so happy Nadine did this post, because she is correct and forever and ever will be and no one will ever tell me differently. Coke all the way.

I confess that I haven't done a lick of work yet and I've been here for two hours.

I also confess that I'm loving it.

I confess that I definitely don't feel like I have my shit together and that I CANNOT WAIT until things start getting organized in my life. Like getting a house. And a hair cut & color. AND A PEDICURE. I'm a hot mess, y'all.

I confess that I still need that vacation.

I confess that I also still need a puppy. Well, maybe not need, but very strongly want.

I confess that I'm not excited about watching my aunt and uncles dog for a week, but that I'm doing it because family is family and you do things for family without asking questions. Any questions?


Alright ladies and gents, that's all I've got for you today. I'm off to day dream about being on a boat somewhere, instead of at work in jeans that I should probably say are NOT fitting me right now.


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  1. i hate watching other peoples dogs. ok i hate watching my mother in laws dog. blech.
    im with you on the not doing a lick of work... ssh lol.

  2. I don't mind dog sitting most of the time. I use to dog sit for my previous boss and that was much better since she paid me a ton :) I'm so unmotivated to do work too...really not feeling it this week so far.

  3. pedis are the best. sometimes we just need to pamper ourselves!

    thanks for linking up!

    Vodka and Soda

  4. I vote yes on getting the puppy! Or maybe a dog, because puppies are a handful... some kind of furry friend! Any age! :)

  5. hahaha its 11 and I havent done a thing at work all day!

  6. My boyfriend bought crab seasoning chips the other day. They were so bad. I have no idea why he did it!


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