
Hey guys! I've got a little hump-day confessions action for you today, because I'm exhausted and nothing is happening in my life right now except for work, so that sucks.

Here we go!

I confess...that I've been beating myself up pretty badly in the body love department lately, but I'm working on it (the beating myself up, AND the body, that is).

I confess...that I've been a little selfish lately at home. I've been getting short with my parents and Jason quite a bit as a result of feeling overwhelmed and it's no bueno. Definitely something that I'm trying to work on.

I confess...I've drank a few too many RedBulls as of late. CAN'T STOP, WON'T STOP, TOTALLY ADDICTED. Not really, but I should probably back off.

I confess...that lately I really just want to be laying on a beach with a drink in hand. I live near the #1 beach in the country, yet I haven't been there in years.

I confess...that if I don't get a vacation soon, I might hurt someone. Make that will hurt someone.

I confess...that I've been having some bad jealousy issues lately. It's something that I'm not proud of and I'm working on, but I'm having a very hard time controlling it.

I confess...that even though I have a RedBull and an egg white&cheese on multigrain english muffin for breakfast, I really want someone to bring me Starbucks and CFA chicken minis. I haven't had good coffee in MONTHS and lawd knows those chicken minis are like life blood.

That's all. Time to pass out on my desk.

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  1. I confess that.... I'm going through ALL of these things right now too and it's nice to know I'm not the only one! Hugs to you!!

  2. Which beach is #1 in the country? I must go there!

  3. body love - something i struggle with all the time girly. good for you for working on it! i need to get better at it as well.
    #1 beach in the country? do share!

    1. oh, and are you on instagram? your button link doesnt work :)

  4. love your body, matter what it looks like, it's the only one you have. always remember that NOTHING about your body is permanent unless you want it to be permanent :)

    thanks for linking up!
    Vodka and Soda

  5. Hey Jessica!! Oh my gosh I totally understand! I really really really need a vacay, and I fear the same thing if I dont! That I will hurt someone lol! I find myself getting a little jealous now and then, and it can lead me down dangerous roads. NOT GOOD! Now when I sense that coming on I leave a nice comment or something like that to counter all that bad stuff! It helps *sometimes, haha! Great post girl!


  6. I am totally with you on never going to the beach, and always wanting to stay home!

    I totally understand about the body thing, I am totally with you, but the more we work on it, the better we will feel!

  7. I'm coming over and we're going to the beach. Have a drink waiting.


I love comments almost as much as wine, so lay one on me, hot stuff.