Weekend Roundup

We're still awaiting news on the house. We gave them 90 days, and they requested 60 more. We gave them 30. Please pray that we'll be out of ny parents house before our second wedding anniversary. Ugh. 

In other news, a wonderful ladies night was had by all on Friday night, and Saturday was spent with Starbucks, shopping, bacon, and just generally being lazy. Here are some pictures that prove I'm not lying. 

Sunday was spent cleaning the garage, then BLT's for dinner with the most amazing tomato ever. 

The things you find in the garage...

Aaaaaand the requisite Monday morning sefiie. 

Hashtag new dress whats uuuppp. #springfolyfe

My wish for you on this Monday:


  1. Oy - we went through the same thing with our leaseback because the place where the previous owners were moving wasn't complete. Hang in there lady!! It will totally be worth it when it happens!


I love comments almost as much as wine, so lay one on me, hot stuff.