Sunday's Scale...On Monday.

It may (or may not) surprise you that I failed to participate in my own damn link up with Madi yesterday.

But, for once, I had a legit excuse.

Remember a few days ago when I mused about us moving away? Possibly very quickly, and very unexpectedly? Well, we are. It could be as early as this weekend that we'll be 100% moved out of our place, and in with my parents (no comment).

Jason was supposed to work all day on Saturday, and I was going to take that day to pack, go to the gym, and stack some blog posts because I know how busy we'll be. Well, he took the day off, and subsequently was my Nazi packing instructor all day long. Then at some point, we ended up hanging out with one of the besties and her new boyfriend.

While going out for drinks with friends may not sound like a good excuse, we're trying to fit in as much time with our friends as we can before we leave the area. Yes, we're only moving two hours north, but we were only one hour south of all of our friends before, and you saw how often we got to see friends (read: never).

On Sunday we took our first load of things up to my parents, so that day was totally shot. So here I am!

And So I Did

So I take this moment now to tell you about the fact that, I began my weight loss journey about two weeks back, did really well the first week and then screwed it up on the weekend. I proceeded to be good again that following Monday, but that was when this all went down and instead, I stress ate all week long, then proceeded to really screw it up AGAIN this weekend. But this is not me starting and stopping. This is a part of the journey.

Sometimes things in the universe don't line up like you thought they would. And right now my weight loss is in line with our uprooting our entire lives and starting a new. But I tried last week. Here are some of my meals.

I also had quite a few frozen meals for breakfast and lunch at work, and while I know they're not great, they're better than fast food every day. We're currently in the "eat everything we have and buy nothing new" phase of moving, so we're down to pasta, rice, and weird frozen stuff.

It's a journey! I'd like to thank Madi for putting up with the fact that I screwed up our first link up together, ever, on the very first day it was going live. So there's that. #badbloggerfriend

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  1. I'll forgive you as long as you admit that George Clooney is way hotter than Mitt Romney...

  2. Mitt Romney. No. Just no.

    And the whole health thing is so hard to get on board with when you are moving!

  3. I reallly need a new workout partner, and weight loss friend.
    I think you moving to my area could be a really really good thing for the both of us!


I love comments almost as much as wine, so lay one on me, hot stuff.