
My brain is mush.
There's a lot going on in my life right now. We're two and a half weeks away from the wedding, my parents are flying out to Europe for two weeks today, we're watching their dog while they're gone, we're nowhere near done with the wedding planning, and I can't seem to stop thinking about my health and yet, doing nothing about it.
This past weekend, my coworkers wife passed away. She hadn't been well for a while and it was a bit expected, but still very sad. The funeral service is today and I can't seem to find it inside of me to go. I don't know if it's selfish on my part, or for his benefit. I'm an awful funeral attender. I'm a really loud crier, and that's all I can do when I even get near someone grieving. I had never met his wife, and I don't know him well, but I just know that it would wreck me.
Jason is crazy stressed out because he feels responsible for making sure that all of his friends and family members who are coming down for the wedding get to spend individual time with him, and do fun things. I keep trying to show him that it's not his responsibility, it's theirs. His job is to not die from a heart attack two days before the wedding due to running around like a short dog in tall grass.
I'm not processing things well in my brain right now. I wouldn't call myself stressed out. I don't stress out easily at all. I would say that my thoughts aren't completing themselves, though. I'm having trouble even trying to figure out what I'm writing about in this post.
I want to focus and get ahold of everything that's going on. The only way that's going to happen is if I take hold of the beast by the horns and control it.
I've mentioned before that I love making lists. That's exactly what I'm going to do right now. I'm going to be making a list of  the things I need to make a list for. Yep.
Lists To Make:
Detailed list of what's left to do for the wedding with budget
Schedule for the week of the wedding
Pre-plan simple meals for the next few weeks
Get a running/walking schedule done for the dog
Once the wedding is over, I'll need to focus on Christmas gifts and such, but that's for a whole other day.
Thanks for reading my brain barf, guys. I appreciate it, haha.

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  1. Aw, that's sad about your co-worker and his wife. I am not sure I would attend either, if I wasn't that close to the co-worker and had never met their significant other.

    I hope you and your man don't stress too much in the next few weeks!

  2. Whoa, girl. Don't think about Christmas gifts yet. *shudder* Ain't no body got time fo dat! Also, I don't think you're obligated to go to the funeral from what you've described. Don't feel guilty.

    Take some deep breaths, seriously. I get where Jason is coming from, because I stress like he does. Just hug him and help him get everything done that you can. :)

    I'm here if you need me!


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