
I’m having all sorts of feelings today and most of them are angry, or snarky, or sarcastic, because I’m running off of two hours of sleep for absolutely no reason. I tried desperately to fall asleep last night. I even took a sleeping pill around 1:45am, but I still never fell asleep until after 3:30am. Then 6am rolled around and so did my work day.

I think it’s probably a combination of things, but mostly that I drank two rum and cokes, and a big glass of green tea around dinner time and so I had a bit of a caffeine overload. Mix that with the fact that Jason isn’t sleeping well, either, so the TV was on all night long while he attempted to fall asleep. (Side note: it’s really hard to sleep when someone is watching Jackass in the same room as you. So many screams…)

Then I had to drive 90 minutes to work this morning. Surprisingly enough I almost fell asleep a lot less than some of the other times when I’ve driven to work. The only good part about this morning so far is that I took a shower so I at least don’t smell or look like a hobo. Though, I am wearing a sweater that I found in the back of the closet and it’s a little musty, so I might actually smell. Also there were small chocolate chip cookies in the kitchen at work and I had two for breakfast because SUGAR AND FAT.

So that’s kind of where I’m at right now.

The other night I had a dream that my best friend, Rachel, and I were discussing the idea of hooking up. Yep, like getting down together. But the whole entire dream was us just talking about it, it never happened. Then when I woke up in the morning, I had that song that goes, “Thank you for being a friiieeennd,” stuck in my head, which I thought was really funny. This is Rachel and I:

Just so you know she’s a total catch. I mean, look at these faces:

She would kill me if she knew I had a blog and put this picture up.

I seriously am not sure if I’ll function today without crawling under my desk for a mid-day nap.

On another note, Shanny-girl always talking about her smut-fests made me look up one of said smut-fests (Wallbanger) and it caused me to end up downloading about seven free smutty books. So that’s awesome. The first one I read so far turned out to be not very smutty at all (Lost and Found by Nicole Williams), with there actually just being a lot of make out scenes and only one real sex scene, which we all know is not enough at ALL. But I did really enjoy the book, for whatever reason, and read it in less than 12 hours. Probably because one of the main characters is a super-hot cowboy who is really nice but sarcastic and she talks about his abs a lot, so there was a lot of abdominal-envisioning happening.

And speaking of Shannon, she reminded me that it’s 100% A-OK to talk about your poop in your blog posts, and encouraged me to do so (probably just so she wouldn’t be the only one, but I’m okay with that, and with talking about poop) so I wanted to share a fun little tid-bit with you. I started drinking a ton of green tea over the last week and a half, and since I have, I’ve been having the.most.pleasant.poops.ever. Like quick, clean, easy, wam-bam-thank-you-ma’am. So there you go. A little poop-talk for you.

Not that you wanted to know any at all of what I put in this post, but thar she blows.

I’m off to die a slow, agonizing death of sleeplessness. Send caffeine. Actually, send a mattress. Seacrest out.


  1. YES.
    poop post for the win.
    i think i'm always interested in how other people's poops compare to mine. i just can't help it.

    also - cheers to smut. so much smut.

    p.s. check out the kindle 100 top free downloads. there's some gems in there.

  2. LOL at so much of this. but for real on the jackass--how guys can fall asleep with pretty much ANYTHING on in the background boggles my mind


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