Hiphopopotamus vs. Rhymenoceros

You guys. I got a FULL NINE HOURS OF SLEEP LAST NIGHT. Thank the sweet baby Jesus. I actually got in bed at 7:45pm (right after dinner because dinner is too important to miss) and read until about 10:30, when I went to bed and slept like a mother-flippin-baby until 7:30am. Incredible.

Also, Jason made chicken and noodles with sour cream and chive mashed potatoes last night and now I remember why I married him again (besides the sex). Food. So good. (The food. But let your mind wander to where it wants.)

So now I sit here on the couch in my PJ's. I'm supposed to be working from home but I maybe kind of "accidentally" forgot to bring work home with me so today might be a slack day. I don't know why I put accidentally in quotes because I really did just forget all of my paperwork. I really just want to read all day instead. Specifically some of these hilariously amazing smutty books that Shannon posted about today. Also, I can't lie. Today might be a day-drinking day. Hopefully my bosses never find my blog...

Moving on.

I need some good suggestions on other blogs to check out. Also maybe some link-ups that are fun. I'm in the market for some easy blogging cheats (link-ups). So let me know if you know of any good ones.

Have you ever seen any of the Flight of the Conchords videos? Jason introduced me to them a few years ago and they complete me. When I typed mother-flippin earlier I couldn't help but sing the hiphopopotamus vs. rhymenoceros song. If you don't know it, here it is:

I'm the hiphopopotamus, my rhymes are bottomless.........................................................................

I'd really appreciaite it if you all would share funny videos with me today so I can make it through this rough 8.5hour work day.

Just kidding. If you need me I'll be eating left over chicken and noodles on the couch, in my yoga pants, reading smut. But I do really want funny videos, so do that shit. Bye.

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  1. Sounds like u found a man who can cook. I'm glad I have one too and can't wait til I can try his cooking.



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