June Goals

Today I've got my June goals for you all. I hope you had a nice weekend! I got drunk and fell off a seawall into the ocean on Friday, so there's that.

1. Get back to the gym. I'm not going to set any lofty goal here of making it a certain amount of times a week, but I was just charged my yearly administration fee again and it brought to my attention the fact that I haven't gone in months. Now I just need to transfer my membership to Sarasota, from Naples...

2. Make healthier choices, in general. We've been going out a lot, and I always feel really guilty getting a salad or something when we go out, because that's spending a lot of money on something that I could make at home for much cheaper. Most of the restaurants we tend to frequent don't have any healthy options, and I often end up with something like fish tacos, which is alright but not necessarily the best choice. Also, the alcohol. That's my main problem. No one needs to drink six whiskey and cokes in one night. Even if you're at the bar having fun. Simma down now, Jess.

3. Stop spending so damn much money. We're supposed to be spending as little as possible right now so that we can be a little extra cushy when we move out of my parents house in a month or so. The problem is, my parents love to go out, so we've ended up spending much more. They often offer to pay, but we feel so guilty letting them pay for us all the time. We're definitely not saving any money, and I can't say that either of us has tried to make any changes to our lifestyles to enable so. Time to do it.

4. Wash and clean out my car. I swore when I got this new car that I would take care of it 10,000x better than my last one. And I guess I have in a lot of senses, but not as much as I'd like. I need to get it washed and wipe everything down with armor-all and stuff.

5. Be happier. I'm not unhappy in any sense of the word, but there are so many blessings in my life that I take for granted every day. I want to stop and take more time to sit and read on the patio, and savor the fact that we're getting to spend a lot of time with my family. I want to play with the dog and put my phone down a little more often. Put a smile on.

What are your goals for the month?

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  1. I have many goals this month too... like to muzzle myself. I've gone overboard with "cheats" and been absent from the gym lately. Time to change this.

  2. Girrrrrl, all of these! Me too, especially the money one. I am the worst!


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