About Being REALLY Competitive...

So last night we went to trivia with my parents at a local restaurant chain. My parents and their friends go every Monday night, and a few of them are pretty hardcore about it to the point that they stick around and go every night during the tournament weeks. We occasionally tag along for some fun.

I'm as competitive as the next person, and by that I mean I'm extremely competitive and can get a crazier than a moose on ice sometimes. Have any of you seen that commercial about hockey rivalries with the two chicks on the treadmills? If not, watch this:

I'm basically like both of those girls combined. However, around my parents friends I try to be a LITTLE more civilized. Emphasis on "a little" because booze is not almost always involved but ALWAYS involved.

SO LAST NIGHT, one of the trivia questions was something like What smell do people polled say they always recognize the easiest? and the choices were like beef, coffee, cinnamon, or tuna. So it's obvious that it's coffee, right? It's OBVIOUS. And me and the wife of the guy who takes it the most seriously start discussing the fact that its definitely coffee and he SHUTS US DOWN and says, "No way. It's cinnamon. I'm not putting coffee. It's cinnamon. I'm taking it up." Well, cinnamon can smell like cloves, pie spice, nutmeg, ALL KINDS OF THINGS.

So as you can tell, the part of my story is coming where I tell you that he was WRONG and I WAS RIGHT. And can I just tell you that the look of shame on his face when the correct answer was read out was ALMOST enough to overshadow the amount of disappointment I felt towards him at that moment? Almost.

So basically what I'm trying to say is that I'm really competitive and don't try to challenge me at stuff because I WILL shut you down.

If wine and the couch don't get in my way.

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