Life Lately

This picture has about a 2% chance of being related to ANYTHING in this post but I really wanted to share it with you because Jason was juuuust drunk enough to let me take it and then not care when I told him I was going to plaster it all over the internet. I don't know why he doesn't let me take his picture more often.

So, most of you know that my life has been a little bit of a mess lately because of the sudden move back home and the two of us living off of one paycheck at my parents place until everything is sorted out. But it's been even more of a LITERAL mess lately. 

Jason has been redoing my parents kitchen for them. They had that old, 80's dome lighting that my moms been talking about getting rid of FOOORRREEEVVVVERRR (read it as you would say it from Sand Lot), so Jason just jumped in and started doing it.

Well, in case you were aware, drywall dust is awful. He tarped off the kitchen but we've been living in a house that feels like there's cocaine floating through the air 24/7 or something.

So there's that.

I've been trying to make better choices lately. I started going to the gym again and by that I mean that I've made it the last two Tuesday mornings in a row and that's about it so far. Also I've been trying to eat better. A little. We go out so often with my parents that it felt really good to just cook a simple, delicious meal the other night. I loved being back in the kitchen.

Oh, here's that 2% part. We went to Walt's Fish Market for dinner last night and Jason hadn't eaten anything all day, but had been drinking while he was working on the kitchen, so when we got there he was in perfect form to sit down and make out with a fake mechanical fisherman. And I got to get pictures.

In a more tender moment, he also pretended to do inappropriate things with the fisherman and my dad got that on camera. So we'll see how long it takes for that to get on Facebook.

So that's life around here. Tomorrow is Friday, friends. Put on your party pants.

Lovely Thursdays

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  1. Way to go on getting to the gym two weeks in a row! It's a tough routine to get into! Have a great weekend!


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