Loving Lately

I live in south Florida, and it's cold enough outside this morning that as my alarm went off, the first thoughts in my head were, "Nuh uh. I'm not gonna do it."

I know what you're thinking: Shut up, Jessica. It's 40 degrees where you are, it's NEGATIVE 40 DEGREES WHERE I AM. Well, all I have to say to that is that I didn't tell you to live there and LEAVE ME ALONE, BULLY.  

Moving on. 

I wanted to share a few things that I've been loving lately with you. The first of them being Skinny Girl Lime and Salt Popcorn mini bags. 

I am OBSESSED with this stuff right now. I got it buy one get one free from Publix last week and I haven't been able to stop eating it. Orville Reddenbacher makes a version of this as well, but this version is less greasy, and lower in calories. This stuff makes your house smell like fruit loops when you pop it. My coworkers are obsessed with it right now, too, so our office pretty much always smells amazing.

I got a new iPhone case from my brother, for Christmas, and I love it so much!

When I asked for this, I had no idea that it winked. It made it even better. I tried to find a gif of it winking for you but, OF COURSE, I couldn't.

The Christmas present that I'm SUPER STOKED about, though, is this:

Can't. Freaking. Wait.

I've become mildly obsessed with Sam Hunt lately, all due to his song Speakers, and in my hunt to find where he was performing, I came across this. Quickly added it to my Christmas list and bada-bing-bada-boom, Jason bought me a ticket for Christmas. He's a good hubby. One of my best friends and her sister are going as well and have I said that I can't freaking wait?

Lastly, I'm loving this:

I adore this. My heart smiles when it reads this. I hope I'm that person for someone, be it my husband or my best friend. Or even a stranger.

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