My Dream Christmas Wish List

There aren't many things I want for Christmas. I mostly just want to spend it with my family, eat some good food, and have like, you know, maybe one new thing to play with.
And it could totally be any of these things and I'd be happy!
In my dreams.

1. Photoshop Lightroom: I've been dropping hints like mad to everyone that all I want for Christmas is this. I got my big girl DSLR this year, now it's time for big girl photo editing software. The software that came with my Cannon doesn't allow me to make myself skinnier. Just kidding.
2. Pretty much anything Kate Spade: I've been dying over everything Kate Spade this year. All of it with it's little bows and feminine touches. Unlike some of you other bloggers, I ain't got $400 to drop on a bag randonmly. Where do you all get your money? And you're all house wives/stay at home moms. What is that? I'll never understand. hashtagmarryrich
3. GMC Terrain (in white): I keep talking about how my car is on its last leg, but truth be told, I think this thing will run for another year if I let it. It's time for a new car, but it's not time for a new car payment yet. A few more months, maybe...
4. A Townhouse: I would LOVE to get out from underneath the crazy loud neighbors that we currently live under right now. And we would also love to get a garage space for Jason to keep all of his tools in, instead of in a storage unit. But mostly I just hate our gross carpet with stains everywhere (pre-us) that's pulling up from the ground and tripping us, and the broken dishwasher, and the fact that I can't take a bath because it leaks into my neighbor below, and-and-and.... but I don't hate my cheap rent. Sigh. I guess maybe we'll just stay here.
There's a reason I called this my dream Christmas list. It's not so out of reach that I won't have these things some day, it's juuuuuuust unreasonable enough that I should probably shut my trap about these things and move on.
If you could have something unreasonable, but within reach in your near-ish future, what would it be?
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  1. is an online editor that has a lot of elements offered by PS. this is what i use because i can't justify spending $600 on the suite when it's pretty much offered online FOR FREE.

    Vodka and Soda

  2. I love your dream christmas list. :)

  3. Haha! I want a new car too... and a house. Can we just get our dream christmases? How did we miss the marry rich memo? I married for love... is that wrong?! :p


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