When People Need Help...

Have you ever done something that was totally normal and within reason, and thought nothing of it... then come to find months later you wish you would've thought it over a little better because you could've helped someone else out a lot, if you had?

I'm having regrets about trading my car in when I got my new one. Sounds like a stupid thing to regret, right?

Well, my coworker (who is the sweetest woman in the world, is ridiculously hard working and honest, and is a great mom) is having money and ex-husband troubles. Her oldest, her daughter, is in college and is a really sweet, great kid. She has to ride her bike to work everyday, through very dangerous parts of town, because they can't afford a car for her.

This is constantly on her mind, because she worries about her safety. There are other issues, involving her douche-bag ex-husband who openly admits that he loves his son more than his daughter, but I'm not concerned with that right now.

What concerns me is that I traded my (really crappy) car in for only $300 off of my new car. I only did this because I had nowhere to keep it at our condo, as we're allotted two spots only. Looking back, I have severe regrets about not just signing the car over to her for her daughter. It's not a great car. It wasn't cute, one of the windows didn't work and there were transmission problems, not to mention that there was mold growing all over it (we called it swamp thing- what, I lived by a swamp! Shit gets dirty!) but it ran and it would've kept her safe the five miles she drove to work.

I just wish there was something that I could do to help her and her family.

Do any of you have any ideas? I'd love to do something sweet for her.

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