Friday Five/Updates/Backin' It UP.

I hate to say it, but I have neither the time, nor the want, to write a big 'ole post for you today, so I'll just give you a few quick little updates, Back My Azz Up a bit, then we'll just all move on and enjoy our weekends. Mmkay, pumpkins?
1. Mazi is home!! The vet said that her liver looked good, they had a little bit of a problem with her sugar, but it's leveled out and we should just keep watch for the next day or so, pop a pill in her mouth on an empty stomach for the next three weeks, and love the fluffies out of her. Woo! Our vet was a bow-tie wearer, so I just knew he would save our baby girl.

2. I'm so excited that I'm now having to decide between plans for what to do for the weekend. I went two years with 0 friends in my city and a husband who only had 1 day off a week, and now we're beating off plans with a stick, now that we live back in Sarasota. I can't decide between a Derby Party at our favorite bar, or going to another arena football game with my family. I'm thinking Derby, though!

3. We're aiming to move out of my parents place in about a month. We've been able to add to our savings quite a bit by not having rent, and with the bonus they gave me, even though I'm paying all of our bills solo. However, we've also been going out a lot and having a lot of fun, so we still need a little more time to save up.

Anyone want to buy a pretty house in Sarasota and rent it out to us for cheap? Come on!

4. I'm excited to give my life and my car a big scrub down this weekend. I plan on getting healthy food for dinners, lunches, and snacks for the week, planning meals with my mom, and giving my car a good scrub down, inner cleaning, and oil change. Especially since I've been driving 900 miles a week for work. Yep. 180 miles a day.

5. My first day of work from home was yesterday and it was a success! I definitely need an office space to work from, because sitting on the bed, and on the couch, was killing my back. But I got more work done than I do in the office, saved half of a tank of gas, AND got to sleep until 8am. Work from home success! Next week I'll be home on Tuesday and Thursday, and I think I'm going to take some time this weekend to carve out a little office space. My moms is far too small for the amount of paperwork that I take on, so I'll need my own little area.

And now time to back that shizz up, ladies and gents! Here's an oldie but a goodie for you!

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  1. I feel like such a bad Southerner because we're not doing anything for the Derby. I've just never been into it. So glad to hear your pup is doing better <3



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