Breaking Up With Drinking

(Just for a little while.)

Some days just don't turn out like you think they're going to.

They might start off okay, get really great, and end really terrible. That was Saturday.

I won't get too into the details, because even though I like to be candid on here, there are some things that I just don't share with you because it's no ones business but mine and who is involved.

However, I will say this: we're taking a break from drinking for a little while. 

Since moving in with my parents, the drinking has increased ten-fold. It's changed from, I'm going to pour a glass of wine or two and watch House Hunters, to refilling a cocktail glass every ten minutes because, without realizing it, we're trying to keep up with them.

It has to change. The enjoyment has officially been taken out of alcohol for us, and we need to break up for a bit to get it back.

Two days sober, y'all. 

Sometimes you realize that there are more important things going on around you, and you haven't been able to see them because you've been drunk the whole time.

So until we get our shit together, we need some space.

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  1. Ugh, such a hard realization. Over partaking in alcohol is something a lot of my family members have issues with. So it's something that I've always been very aware and scared of.


  2. Good for you!
    Drinking is a fun and "social" thing, but it scares the SHIT out of me. I have watched what it is has done to so many people in my life, and it makes me so nervous.
    I am proud of you for making such a big decision!

  3. GIRL. it's like booze is so good to us and then it just sometimes turns around a slaps us in the face and then we're like WHY ARE YOU BEING SO MEAN TO ME. i did this for four months so if you need a no-alcohol pep talk you know where to come.


I love comments almost as much as wine, so lay one on me, hot stuff.