The Art of the Side Hustle

Heyyyyyy ladies and gentlemen (who are we kidding?). 

How y'all doing this morning? How was your weekend? Mind was uneventful, but never fear, I'm not here to post about that today. I saw a few more houses on Saturday, none of which are worth mentioning, and Jason and I basically spent the whole weekend on the couch binge-watching season 7 of The Big Bang Theory in order to prep for the upcoming season 8 that begins this week. 

There was also a cheat meal consisting of skyline chili with spaghetti, candy corn, mini Skittles packs, and strawberry ice cream. Hey, it was a cheat meal. Get off my butt. I'm proud to say I jumped right back on the train on Sunday and was guzzling water to help off-set the side effects. Last checked, I was down 4lbs.

Oh, and this happened. 
Cheetohs Bones for the win. 

But you're not here to talk about my weight loss and, in the past, it's always seemed that the more I talk about it on my blog, the more likely I was to fail at it. Strange how that works, huh?

What I do want to talk about today is the art of the side hustle. AKA: making money on the side. 

Call me crazy, but I'm constantly complaining about needing more money. I don't actually need it, most of the time, but it sure can make some things easier.

Lately, as we've embarked on this home buying situation, I've been more and more obsessed with the idea of finding side jobs and working as many hours of overtime as I can. My job is great and the pay is good, but I spend $120 a week in gas alone, and if I work too much overtime, then I run out of things to do during the day when I'm actually at work.

So basically I've been trying to figure out a way to make some money on the side from home. I've signed up for a couple of online things, like freelance writing and focus groups. If any of these pan out, I'll be sure to let you know. I'm also considering creating some spreadsheets and such to sell on Etsy, as I'm pretty good at organizing and tend to spend a lot of my time creating spreadsheets, at home and at work.

If you have any good suggestions of things to do for some excess money, I'd appreciate them. 

Now regale me with stories of your adventures from the weekend, and let me live vicariously through you!

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  1. there's always working at a restaurant.
    cash is nice but it sucks your whole damn weekend from you...


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