Monday Things

I thought a picture of food might be a good way to start this post for two reasons: 

1. Everyone loves food.
2. It's a good representation of the fact that I was pretty gluttonous this weekend. 

Besides those two little notes, there really wasn't much else to my weekend. We ate some good food (our neighbor who is a fisherman brought us over the biggest Grouper filet I've ever seen, and it was magnificent), got in some good family time, and pretty much sat on our butts. 

We're trying to save our money for New Orleans, so we're not spending much until then. 

Last night, I made a recipe that I found on Pinterest for Creamy Wild Mushroom Parmesean Orzo. I've been pretty well out of Blog Mode lately, so I didn't even think to take a picture, but when I posted on Twitter that I was making it, you guys seemed pretty interested. 

Instead of trying to turn this into some post where I try to take her recipe and make it my own (blahblahblah), let me just tell you to go here and make this sometime soon. It was splendiferous. She deserves all of the credit and more because we actually licked the pot clean. Not. Even. Joking.

Also, the premiere of Carrie Underwood's new single, Something in the Water, was today and it made me cry not once, but twice, on my way into work this morning. I highly suggest you listen to it, here.

We went to the little farmers market across from my house this past weekend and they had some nice looking pumpkins out. If I didn't think they'd be absolutely rotten by Halloween, I would've brought one home. Nevertheless, I'm super excited to carve one out and pass out candy to the little chitlin's in their adorable costumes this year, then proceed to get completely shmammered afterwards.

Evidence of past Halloween shmammering:

(I'm an indian, she's a vampire.)
(Hooters Football Jerseys. We were classy broads.)

And here's a not so flattering picture of my indian costume, because ya know, no shame. 
Pregnant hillbilly on the left, vampire in the middle, chubby indian on the right. 



  1. That sounds like a great Halloween! ;) Have a good one.


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