Things that suck about living with a man, and backin' that azz up.

It's Friday again.
It's also pay day over on this end, so it's a bit of a decent day.
But I'm still sick as a dog. Thankfully, I have cough drops, and peach tea with honey in it to help me get through this day.
I'm going to go ahead and back my azz up so that you can jam out while you read the rest of this entry.

Now that you're all set with a song you're going to be singing drunkenly later, let's move on.
Today at work I plan on doing next to nothing. I do, however, plan that at about 3:30pm, I'll walk over to 7-11 and get a slurpee (coke and cherry, duh), then proceed to pour rum into it.
I will then enjoy my Friday afternoon at work, until about 5pm, where I will proceed to then go drinking legally somewhere for a bit.
I don't really know how to segue into this, so here is a little list that I put together.
Things That Suck About Living With a Man
1. They don't understand or respect the morning process. I don't want to talk to you. I don't want to be made fun of because you're trying to make me laugh, and I certainly don't want you to walk into the bathroom while I'm doing my morning pee. Which brings me to number two:
2. They have no respect for closed doors, either. I swear, every time I close a door, Jason finds a reason to open it. If we have guests over and I'm changing, he just slings the door open all willy-nilly like it's not a big deal if our neighbors see me in my skivvies. If I have to do a number two, he thinks it's nothing to stand in the door way and talk to me through out the process. NOT. COOL.
3. They eat all your food. Food that he swears he doesn't like, so I buy it just for myself, mysteriously gets eaten. My work lunches keep going missing.

4. They don't understand what Pinterest is to women. He thinks it's alright to look at guns all day long on his phone, but then when I want to look at Pinterest and get some badass ideas to make our home look prettier, for us to eat tastied food, and maybe make my body look a little more bangin', he thinks I'm ignoring him and wasting my time.

5. Gas. Don't get me wrong, we all produce gas. But hell hath no fury like a mans butthole. I don't think I need to elaborate on this one.

 I'm just going to leave it there. Those are probably my 5 worst things.

Happy Friday!

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  1. They do eat everything! And it pisses me off. I'll get a whole footlong from Subway and I can only eat 1/2 at a time. I'll put the rest in the fridge for when I get off work lo and behold that shit is gone! UGH. And I'm jealous that you can sneak liquor at work. It makes me want a different job. =) Stopping by from the link up!

    1. Well, I definitely SHOULDN'T be sneaking alcohol at work, but on a Friday, eeehhh. Haha. I work in an interior design firm and most of the designers are out by 3pm, so we assistants pretty much do what we want after that, haha. I ended up having to wait until after work today, though. So I just stopped by 7-11 and grabbed a couple small bottles of wine and wandered around Home Goods for an hour. Not a bad way to spend a Friday ; )

  2. Wow!! We need to be friends. I think you're perfect for me. haha. Rum in the Slurpee?!?! I like your style!! I'm lucky because my husband works nights and he's never up while I'm getting ready, but he likes to comment every time in "using the bathroom" while he's home. Really?!? AND he eats all my food!! And I'm pretty sure my husband has the entire world beat on gas. My lord!! He even farts in his sleep!!

    Looking forward to reading more from you!!

    1. A few weeks back I created what I call the pinot-colada slurpee. You fill a slurpee cup 2/3 the way up with pina colada flavor, then pour in a glass of pinot grigio. It works wonders for the rest of your work day!

      My fiancé is starting up with 70 hour work weeks and I feel guilty for being excited about more alone time. But I shouldn't, right? Who doesn't love alone time! I get to be naked and drunk whenever I want! Not that he stops me from that...hah.


I love comments almost as much as wine, so lay one on me, hot stuff.