Give Me a Re-Do

(There are no photos in this post because I'm writing it from work and our Internet Explorer is too old to support some of Bloggers abilities. Like pictures. Yep.)

My blogging has fell pretty flat over the last year or so that I've been doing it. I haven't really taken the time to put any passion into it, though I truly love to write, and I'm still in that phase where I'm too scared to let any of my family or "real life" friends know that I do this (though, the link is posted up in my Instagram info for anyone who wants to find it- I just don't advertise).

Since we decided to move, I've been putting a lot of thought into a re-vamp of my blog.

I still love the name, No Happier Hour. It suits me well, as I'm a very positive and happy person who loves a good happy hour, but I think I need to get a professional design and find a better direction. I'd also like to purchase the rights to, because I feel like that would give me a push to take this a little more seriously. Also, I should snatch that up before someone else does, haha.

As of right now, I'm pretty much just writing any random, boring thought that comes to mind. I've been struggling to find things that I want to share with other people. I've also been holding back when it comes to personal things, in some ways. But I'm a firm believer that, while I should be candid with you all here, there are parts of my personal life that should remain personal. It's taken me quite a while to get to a point where I wasn't telling my girlfriends every single little thing that was happening between Jason and I. There are some things that you just keep between yourself and your husband.

So I guess what I'm really saying is that I'm making a personal pledge, right here-right now, to take my blog more seriously and to give it the attention that it deserves, and that I want.

The professional design and the .com might have to wait, though, since we're in full on money-saving-mode until Jason officially gets a new job.

While we're here and I'm whining about not taking this seriously, I figure this is a great moment to self-promote. If you're not following me on Instagram or Twitter, you should be. I'd like it a lot.

I'll be back tomorrow with an update on all things move-related, like Jasons job interview from yesterday and what it's like living in a house full of deaf people.

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