Things That Makes Me Irrationally Angry

Welcome to a special Friday edition of...

Things That Make Me Irrationally Angry

Food left in the kitchen sink.
What is the point of washing the food off of your plate, but leaving the little bits in the sink? There's still food hanging out in your kitchen that's going to attract bugs. Plus, it's just gross to see soggy food just hanging out. I don't want to see your little kibbles and bits when I'm going to get a glass of water. Be polite.

When you stop the microwave but leave time on the clock.
This one drives me bonkers because, often when leaving the kitchen, my hands are full. So if I'm walking by with full hands and need to see what time it is real quick, I just have to hope and pray that it's actually showing the clock and not telling me that it's 00:42 o'clock. Why is it so hard for people to hit stop before they open the dang door?

When you put your feet on, near, or around me.
Just don't. End of story.

People touching other people and I can hear it.
This one has been one of my worst enemies my whole life. Just last weekend my parents came down to visit and my dad was rubbing my moms back, just being nice. I could hear every little callous and ridge on his hand as it dragged across the fabric of my moms shirt. It took everything in me to not yell, "STOP TOUCHING MY MOTHER!" Hah.

Putting the tops back onto things but not properly screwing them on.
How is this constructive? I'm sorry, but how? You've just made it worse because now I've gone and picked the bottle up thinking that the lid was on the hot sauce, and it wasn't, so now there's hot sauce all over the rug. Thanks.

People using the coffee spoon to stir in their creamer then not rinsing it off.
This one is just gross. I don't want your weird fake-sugar concoction to taint my delicious sugar/fake sugar-free coffee.

Using the towel off of the oven door and leaving it laying on the counter.

They're pretty much all kitchen issues. What can I say, I'm a kitchen Nazi!

Are any of you as irrational as I am?

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  1. SAME damn wavelength. Also, the microwave clock... WHY IS IT SO HARD?! Ohhhh, it makes my eye twitch severely.

  2. This could be my list. I HATE it when there is time left, also... FOOD IN THE SINK?! WTF are you thinking?

  3. The microwave, the sink, and the towel... omg, I'm twitching just thinking about it.

    Hair on the sink also drives me bonkers.


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