Choices and Changes

I've had a lot weighing on my mind and my heart lately. We're getting to a transitional period in our lives where Jasons job is hitting a dead end and mine is flourishing. Now would be the opportune time to pick up and head to Sarasota, which is where we've planned on being the whole time, because Jasons job is definitely the bread winner in our relationship, and he is absolutely more likely to be successful between the two of us. I'm mostly just working to pay bills until I can be a stay at home mom. Sarasota is where my family is, and where we want to plant roots and raise our children. But we've been married less than six months, and I love my job so much. I just wasn't expecting to have to make these decisions so quickly.

Before Jasons boss passed away, our intention was to remain in Naples for five years on contract, and when that contract was up, he was going to buy us our own Subway and run it with us. The plan was to find one in Sarasota. I was prepared for leaving my job after 8 years. I wasn't prepared for leaving before I even hit 2 years there.

Don't get me wrong, it's not my DREAM job or anything, but I love my coworkers so much and they've treated me like a queen at this place. I love having a job that I actually look forward to showing up at and doing everyday.

It's not unreasonable to stay at my job and drive from Sarasota. It would be an hour and a half drive every morning and afternoon. It would add 70 miles to my drive, so I know that after a few months it would wear on me. I already feel like I don't have enough hours in the day to get done all of the things that I want to get done. I would be losing another hour to an hour and a half every day. 

I was really hoping for one more year in Naples to prepare better for this. But God only hands you what you need, right? I've been praying about it a lot and haven't really felt any answers. I guess I have to go with what I know, and what I know is that I love Jason and that I would follow him to the end of the earth, if he asked me. I know that I would love to live in the same town as my family. To be able to meet my mom for brunch, or happy hour.

I just also know that I'm not ready to leave my job. I guess now is when I have to suck it up and be a woman. 

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