These are my confessionssss....

If you immediately starting singing Usher, I love you.

Along with it being Back That Azz Up Friday, it's Confessional Friday! Here goes:

1. Another dog came into my work today and I've 100% lost focus. Actually, I think my loss of focus happened as soon as I woke up and found out about the man hunt. The dog just wasn't exactly good news for trying to get my focus back.

2. I'm eating the most delicious Big Kid Grilled Cheese with creamy tomato soup from Panera right now. Mmm. And a Dr. P of course.

3. This soup tastes like pasta sauce, and I don't hate it.

4. I use an over abundance of commas.

5. Future hubby and I are watching our friends toddlers tonight and while I'm excited to see the girls and play house with him (He is SO dang cute with kids), I was also looking forward to gettin' tanked and falling asleep on the couch.

6. There may or may not still be a case of beer in tonights future, and there is DEFINITELY couch sleeping.

7. Lastly, I wanted to confess how excited I've been getting when I see the comments left on my blog. These link ups are great! I can't wait to have some time to sit down and go peruse everyone elses. I've gotten to see a few, but not many so far. Thank you guys! Can't wait until I get my first follower! #newbie

Alright, enough slacking off at work.



  1. Mmmmmmmmm Panera. I could go for a bowl of their Mac and Cheese right now. And I am a HUGE fan of grilled cheese and tomato soup! Thanks for linking up with the Coffee Talk Blog Hop!


I love comments almost as much as wine, so lay one on me, hot stuff.