Being Present

You've probably seen a lot of posts lately about what a bloggers 'word of the year' is. Well, I'm jumping on the bandwagon, folks.

This is something that I've been thinking about for a long time, now. I spend a lot of my day thinking about what could be, what I could do differently, and what I need to focus on in order to make changes in my life. Normally, this would be a good thing (Except for the fact that I never put the plans into action. Whoops!), but it really just ends up that I don't really get to live in my present. I already lead a blessed life, why can't I stop and take a moment to enjoy my current life? It's wonderful if positive changes happen, but I need to enjoy the now in the meantime.

My word is Present. I want to love the moments I'm spending with others, or even just by myself. I want to put my phone down a little more and just enjoy my surroundings. We spent the day, Saturday,with our nieces who are moving to Delaware next Friday. We were already an hour away from them and we did everything that we could to see them while they lived here, but we're a little heartbroken that we wont see them again until next Christmas, when we all get together in Indiana.

It occurred to me while I was hanging out with them that it's okay to take my phone out to take pictures of their smiling faces, or even videos of their 'death metal monster' versions of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star (don't ask- or do!), but it's an even better idea to take those photos and then put the phone back in my purse. That picture of them riding the chick-e-phant carousel will be just as adorable when they're asleep in their car seats as it is while we're wandering around the flea market.

I'm so thankful for the special moments that we've gotten to spend with these little ladies over the past four years. I'm immensely blessed to have gotten to enjoy the past (almost) 7 years with Jason by my side. And I can't even explain how thankful I am to have such an incredible group of family and friends, especially my amazing parents. So here's to a new year of being present, enjoying the little moments and letting the future happen in between.

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  1. LOVE this. I've been working on being more present, too. :) I have a designated phone cut off time in the evenings so I can at least one hour of zero interruptions.


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