Blogger Interview

Is it Friday, already? Thank the sweet Lord. I need this weekend. 

Madi and I were talking a few weeks back and some ideas for blog posts, and we thought, what better way to meet other bloggers and put ourselves out there than to do an interview?!

Over on Madi's blog, And So I Did, you can see my answers. Keep reading to meet my blogger bestie, and see why you're missing out if you don't know her yet!

First off, tell me a little about yourself (your name, where you’re from, what you do, etc.).
I'm Madi from And So I Did. I live in Northwest Arkansas. I work as a Commercial Leasing Manager at a local company. My dream is to be a writer for a travel or food magazine, own a bakery, or be a photographer. Between work, husband, and school my plate stays full, but I try to fit things in where I can. :)

Tell me a little about your blog and its content.
And So I Did is a lifestyle blog where I chronicle my ups and downs, my projects, my dreams, and silly things. It's a place that's my own, where I feel my thoughts and words can be said just the way I want them. :) I don't write for other people, I write for me, and that's the most freeing part of it.

What were your childhood dreams, growing up?
I wanted to travel the entire world, drive a Porsche, and be a marine biologist. I still want to travel the world and drive a Porsche, but I am too antsy to sit through all those science classes. :) Writing and creative ventures are much more my specialty.

What is one of the most significant things that has ever happened to you?
The summer of 2011 I took part in a study abroad program through Sea|Mester where I lived on a sailboat for three weeks in the Caribbean. I learned to sail, navigate, scuba dive, and what it was like to live without daily technology. This trip is where I really learned how to be happy, and that happy was a choice you make, not a destination. I'm eternally grateful that I took the chance while I had it to take this trip. The memories I made and the things I learned about myself are the most valuable things I've learned. 

What are your current aspirations?
My biggest aspiration at the moment would be to find a new job that I love. This is a struggle for me, because I gravitate toward the creative fields, but I like having steady income. I struggle so much with not wanting to work at a desk in an office all day, every day, and wanting the structure and reliability of those jobs. It's a giant, exhausting, and overwhelming search at the moment.

If you could have drinks with any one real person, living or dead, who would it be?
This is a question that I can never answer, because there are simply too many. Jacques Cousteau, Marilyn Monroe, Barbara Walters, the list goes on, and on, and on. 

What is your favorite thing about the blogging community?
I love how supportive the blogging community is the majority of the time. There will always be bad eggs in a situation, but the good far outweighs the bad. I love the sense of camaraderie, where you can find other people going through similar things or interested in similar things to share your fears, hopes, wins, losses, and feelings about what you're mutually going through. I've gotten so much more support from the blogging community than my real life friends on the house hunting front, and I don't know how I would have done it without them. 

 On that note, what is your least favorite thing about the blogging community?
I have hard time not comparing myself to the other bloggers. Often times I find myself feeling inferior because I don't have a perfect office, or killer outfits daily, or the new Kate Spade bag, or a new car. I get caught up and often forget that I see the worst parts of my life, and my dirty kitchen and laundry mountain, and I only see the highlight reels of the other women that post things. I have such a hard time remembering to not be so hard on myself. Anyone else out there struggle with this?

Is there anything exciting on the horizon for you this upcoming new year?
YES! We are trying to buy a house, if nothing goes wrong, our closing date will be February 28th. We're working with the seller to fix some things the inspector found. Hopefully, it'll go off without further issues! I can't wait to get in the house and start decorating, and for quiet. I'm SO over apartment living! 

What message would you like to put out to those reading this (can be in regards to your blog or life in general)?
I love to talk to just about anyone (Hello, Extrovert!) and I love finding new blogs to follow. I'm always up for a good conversation. I pride myself on being real on my blog. You see the good, the bad, and the laundry piles. I'm far from perfect, and that's how I'll keep it! Oh, and be prepared for pictures of my adorable dog! :)


I love comments almost as much as wine, so lay one on me, hot stuff.