
Ever have that itch on the inside rim of your nose while you're at work, and you want to itch it so bad but you don't want your coworkers to think you're picking your nose? Yeah, that's happening.

Also, this Monday mornings been pretty good so far. It's a rare and unusual occasion.

This weekend wasn't too eventful. It was nice and relaxing, though.

1. On Saturday we got to check some stuff off of the wedding to-do list. We got all the booze, napkins, forks, tongs, etc. for the rehearsal dinner (we're hosting a cocktail party at Jasons grandparents luxury condo building, in the little clubhouse/activities room).

2, 3&4. I baked my first pie ever. Totally from scratch. It was peach and it turned out really yummy! I'm just proud of the fact that it didn't look like a total mess.

5. I painted my nails gold for fall. I'm diggin' on 'em.

6. We made THE MOST amazing fish tacos ever last night. It's like freaking magic when Jason and I get in the kitchen together. That's right. You heard me. It's magic.

Like I said, not crazy eventful, but it was good and relaxing.

How were your weekends?

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  1. FISH TACOS!!! i love them. the restaurant around the corner from my work makes the best ones.

    Vodka and Soda


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