Weekend Shansnigsndsfdghdkjghkdfg.

Happy Moustache Monday!
That's not really a thing.
Weekend Shenanigans comin' atcha.
This was Friday night. It was one of those days.
Home made tacos on Saturday night. So much yum.
Prepping the house for fall! Publix had the most BEAUTIFUL sunflowers that I've ever seen this weekend. And Glade candles are buy 2 get one free!
I hate to admit it, but this floor hasn't been this clean in probably 6 months. Floors are not my thing.
I went CRAZY on the house on Sunday. That place was SPOTLESS. Than Jason got home from work and dirtied it all up again. But those fleeting two hours of cleanliness were beautiful.
Holding onto the last few moments of summer with a seahorse dress on clearance from Target.
They've got some great clearance happening right now, so go check it out.

It always kind of freaks me out when the clouds go in a PERFECT line across the sky. Check that ish out. Weird.  


Sami's Shenanigans
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  1. i grabbed a bunch of stuff from target too...love getting stuff on clearance :)

    also, i noticed your container that says "old balls". i'm in love with it!

    Vodka and Soda

  2. I also love the seahorses! I really like your blog! I just found it, am am looking forward to upcoming posts!


I love comments almost as much as wine, so lay one on me, hot stuff.