My Coworker is a Vulcan.

So I don't know how many of you out there are Star Trek fans, but I also don't really care. Because I happen to like it and this is my blog, so there.

We were watching old episodes on Saturday night, because nothing is on TV on Saturday nights, and it suddenly hit me: my coworker is a Vulcan.

1. When you ask her a question, she responds with, "Well, logically speaking..." WHICH DRIVES ME INSANE. Can we just talk about how much this bugs me for a second? If there was a single, logical answer WOULD I HAVE ASKED YOU THE FUCKING QUESTION? Moving on...

2. She's emotionless. She walks around the office like a well-maintained zombie. Barely ever a smile, laugh, or conniption fit.

3. Vulcans live quite a long time, and this lady is definitely a little too spry for her age. Personally, I'd really like her to retire soon and leave me the hell alone. 

 But there are also some pretty strong points suggesting she's not a Vulcan, like the lack of pointy ears and weird eye brows, and the fact that she seems to enjoy a martini here and there. But we have plastic surgery on earth and who doesn't love martini's?

I don't know. Do you think my coworker is a Vulcan?

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