Sun Lovin'

It's hump day! I'll tell you what, my weekends have been flying by faster than a hummingbird to a sugar drip lately, so I'm dying for a nice, long weekend.

I've been whining a lot lately to my friends about how my life has become completely absored in work (Jasons work, not mine, though I am working about 10 hours of over time a week). Thanks Madi and Rachel for listening. You guys are the best. But, we recently got some good news and in about a week, things should be calmer and Jason should be able to relax.

Which meeeaannnsss... I'm going to be begging him to take a full weekend off, and I want to take a small trip. The weather here is PERFECT lately (low 80's, barely any humidity, not a cloud in the sky, but a gorgeous, cool breeze) and I've been dying to get outside. Jason hasn't ever been to St. Augustine, so maybe I can talk him into it! Or maybe we'll just go up to Sarasota and stay at my parents, and lounge on the beach for a few days.

I got a taste of the sunshine on Sunday, though. Jasons mom is down from Indiana and we spent the weekend with her, eating, drinking, and laughing. On Sunday, we went to the Naples Botanical Gardens and spent a few hours taking photos of some GORGEOUS flowers and butterflies. 

Most of these are totally unedited, and I'm pretty proud of them! One or two were taken by Jason, but all the rest are mine.

If you're in the north, enjoy this little bit of sunshine, from me to you. :)

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  1. i look at your pics and think: ahhhhh! sunshine! warmth!
    then i look out my window, i see the snow storm that is happening right now and i want to murder someone.

    Vodka and Soda

  2. I just found your blog and I'm happy to say I'm a native south Floridian myself. Where are you from??

  3. I. Am. So. Jealous. I want pretty flowers. Our Botanical Gardens are only seasonal... as it would be stupid to try and be open during our continuous snowpocolypse

  4. Great pictures! I didn't know about the Naples Botanical Gardens, but I wish I did, so that I could have gone there while we were in Florida!


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