The Liebster Award

So there's this girl named Madi, who's pretty much a badass, and she got nominated for a Liebster Award!
A Liebster Award is an award handed from blogger to blogger as a way for people to find new and interesting blogs.
So what happened next? She nominated me. 'Cause she's smart. Duh.
(She also nominated 5 other lovely ladies. Go to her post to check them out!)
Here are the rules for the Liebster Award:
  • Answer the 11 questions that the blogger who nominated you asked.
  • List 11 random facts about yourself.
  • Mention some blogs you're loving reading at the moment
  • Set 11 questions for those newly nominated bloggers to answer.
  • Thank the person who nominated you and link back to their blog.
1. Favorite vacation spot?
I lovelovelove anywhere in the country. Growing up, we stayed a week or two in the woods up in North Carolina or Georgia, every summer. We would find a cabin by a lake or a river, with no cable, and pick wild blackberries, catch fireflies, watch bats swoop across the fields at night, and just generally have fun as a family together. As we got older, the vacations became more big-city. It's been a good 7 years since I've been in a cabin with a mountain view, eating wild blackberries and sipping hot chocolate in a rocking chair in the cool morning air. I NEED IT.
2. Favorite song of all time?
This is a WAY too difficult question to answer, so I'll give you a tied top 3. Or maybe 5. We'll see where this goes.
  • James Taylor - Fire and Rain
  • The Civil Wars- Barton Hollow
  • Britney Spears - Everytime (You KNEW there would be a Queen B in there somewhere...)
  • Billy Joel - She's Got a Way
  • Mirand Lambert- Crazy Ex-Girlfriend
And bonus song that I'm totally obsessed with right now: The Civil Wars - The One That Got Away.
3. What is your guilty pleasure?
I wish I could really say that I have a guilty pleasure, but I don't really. I'm not ashamed of anything I enjoy (you can tell by the fact that I make it known that I'm totally obsessed with Britney Spears still and I'm 25 years old), and that I pretty much find every excuse in the world to eat or drink anything I want (hence the chubby). But I guess if I had to pick something, I would pick alone time. I wait all week long for Tuesday night, because it's the one night that I get alone time. There's nothing like throwing on some girly tv, whipping out the laptop, pouring a glass of wine, and doing anything I want to without worrying if Jason is entertained.
4. What is the one thing that will guarantee your smile?
Seeing my family. I'm extremely close with them, and I currently live two hours away, so when I get a chance to see them, I take it.
5. Favorite drink?
I'm a wine girl through-and-through, but my favorite mixed drink is Patron silver with tonic and lime.
6. Describe your 'fantasy lifestyle'.
Living within 10 minutes of my family, in a big country house with at least 5 acres. I'd rock my kids in the rocking chair on the front porch and wave to the neighbors when they rode by on their horses, or tractors. I'd also love to have a horse, and backyard chickens. I'd love a garden to grow food for my family. I'd love for Jason to have his own woodworking shop on the property. A couple dogs, a kid or two. Just, happy.
7. What is the one food you couldn't eat if you were starving to death?
Butterfingers. Don't call me crazy. I once threw up because my brother opened a Butterfinger in the backseat of my dads truck while on a 14 hour ride to North Carolina. I threw up. Can't eat Butterfingers to this day. A similar situation happened with Beignets in the French Quarter as well.
8. Favorite animal and why?
Dogs, of course, but if we're talking non-'usual' animal, then whales. I just love them. So powerful but so graceful.
9. Why did you start a blog?
I feel like it gives me an excuse to stalk other bloggers. Also, I live an hour away from all of my friends and I hate talking on the phone, so this gives me an out for everything I'm thinking about.
10. If you could visit one place you've never been, where would you go?
This might sound cheesey to some of you, but Heaven. There are so many family members and amazing historical people that I would love to just sit down with and just ask and learn everything I can from them. Is that allowed to count as an answer? I don't care, it does to me.
11. What's your favorite season and why?
FALL! All the way. Fall in Florida is more like early spring in more northern places. The temperatures drop to low-70's and the breeze rustles the leaves around. The smell of pies baking in the air, the promise of family gatherings. Cut boots, football, pumpkin everything. I just smile in the fall.

11 Random Facts
1. I live to sing. It's all I do all day long and if I were smart, I would've followed my dreams. I'm not bad.
2. I also love to bake. If I could do like a singing-baker thing, I would be immensely happy. I made some dank chocolate chip cookies Sunday night. We've eaten chocolate chip cookies for dinner for the past two nights in a row. I have to take them to work tomorrow so that we can get rid of them and I can stop eating them finally.
3. One of my favorite things is the drive around in light rain, listening to relaxing music.
4. I want a dog more than I can say, but I'm also terrified that I just don't have enough in me to give right now. And that terrifies me even more when I think about possible future children.
5. I believe in God, and consider myself a Christian woman, but I'm no Evangelist and I believe in love and kindness first and foremost, the way that I believe God would want me to. My goal in life is to have an open heart.
6. I cry at EVERYTHING. I'm seriously the easiest person to make cry, whether it be happy or sad tears. I started crying when I read what Kanye West said about Kim Kardashian on her moms show. Yep.
7. Sunflowers are my favorite flower, but I'll probably buy Hydrangeas instead, if offered, because I just think they class a joint up so well.
8. I could eat cornbread and drink sweet tea at every meal for the rest of my life.
9. One of my biggest fears is that I'll never get up and sing on stage again.
10. I have extremely weird memories associated with random smells, sounds, and just general feelings.
11. Every now and then, a random memory that I've totally blocked out comes back to me. The other day, I was standing on the balcony outside our front door because it was beautiful, and I randomly remember a contest that I won when I was really young. Now, I can't remember what it was, but in the few moments I was thinking about it, I can remember how exciting and proud of myself I was.
Some Blogs I've Been Reading
Kathy at Vodka and Soda
Stephanie at Be So Happy
My Questions for You Ladies
1. If you could change one situation in your life, how would you do it?
2. What is one thing you've always wanted to do, but been too afraid to?
3. What is your favorite quality about yourself?
4. What is something you wish you did on a daily basis, but just either forget or don't have the time to?
5. What's the most rewarding thing you've ever done?
6.  What is something exciting that will be happening to you sometime in the next year?
7. Who was the first band you ever saw in concert?
8. Who is one person you'd love to meet?
9. Where would you go if money or time was no option?
10. If you could eat one food, every other day for the rest of your life, what would it be?
11. What's the best thing that's ever happened to you?
So once again, thank you, Madi, for nominating me! Lord knows I love a good excuse to talk about myself. ; )

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  1. YAY! this made my day because i saw my blog name up there :)

    i dont have any guilty pleasures either; i do the things i enjoy and i`m not sorry for it drooling over taylor kinney in chicago fire even in front of my husband - not sorry about that LOL

    Vodka and Soda

  2. Aw, thanks for mentioning me! And congrats on the award. :)

  3. I love this! That's crazy that butterfingers have so much of an adverse effect on you! Whooa! I'm so glad I've gotten to know you lately! :)

    Who doesn't love James Taylor and Brittney Spears?! But not together! Hah!


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