The Blogmopolitan Quiz

Heyoooo. If you've been around the blogging world for a bit, I'm sure you know who Erin at TwoThirdsHazel is. Well, a little while back she posted a "Blogmopolitan Quiz" and it was a huge hit in the blogging world.

Welp, she's dun gone and done it again.

Send me the link to your Blogmopolitan quizzes! I'd love to see your answers!

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  1. Alcohol, queso and baked goods... you nailed it! Gosh now I'm hungry.

  2. No butterfingers?! I guess if you think about it, they are pretty annoying. I pretty much have to bubble wrap the sob before I get it home or wherever I plan to eat it because when I unwrap it, it's always broken in little pieces. And the middle part always gets stuck in my teeth! Okay, so maybe I don't even like them as much as I thought, but they're SO.GOOD. I'm glad you're the first person to mention sex being a thing for getting married! I'm so glad I found you through this link up, you seem really cool! :)

  3. looooooooool I'm literally cracking up at "have lots of sex". I like you ;)

  4. "I will cut you if... You touch my shit without asking me or letting me know" Amen Sista! I am the exact same. Gives me anxiety just thinking about it!

  5. Will have to join in on this Fun! But seriously WHO HATES DOGS?!


I love comments almost as much as wine, so lay one on me, hot stuff.