I'm The Kinda Girl Who...

I missed out on yesterday's link-up with Holly I'm The Kinda Girl Who... so I wanted to go ahead and do my own today. This link-up is right up my alley since a) I love to talk about myself, and b) this is a lot easier than writing an 'About Me' post- something of which has been needing to be done.

This way, you get to know all of those little weird things about me that I can't normally think of.

Here goes!

I' m the kinda girl who...

- can’t decide what to eat without having a full-fledged discussion with someone about it first.

- can’t make a decision for the life of me. See above.

- wants to be a lot of different people, inside one body. I’m a lot like Lindsay Lohan’s character in Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen. Minus the drama. I just want to live in so many era’s and so many different styles.

- still worries too much about what other people think of me.

- loves pickled beets, and has never met another person who does.

- has big dreams, but isn’t good about narrowing down what they are or putting them into action.
- desperately wants a dog but can barely keep a palm tree alive.

- loves fashion but is a major cheap-o. Jason has to beg me to spend more than $25 on a pair of shoes. Normally he’ll just buy them for me. I don’t complain.

- LOVES to entertain. I can’t wait to have our own home so that I can host holidays, throw Super Bowl and Kentucky Derby parties, and just have friends over for dinner and games.

- really loves to cook and bake. Though, admittedly, I’m better at cooking than baking. But even when I screw up something I’m baking, it’s still so very relaxing to me.

- loves ALL music. So far this morning, I’ve already listened to bluegrass, rap, country, and oldies. In the afternoons I usually like to switch to pop to keep myself awake and alert at work.

- tries really hard not to curse, but fails miserably after only one drink, usually. And there’s always more than one drink.

- drinks a lot. I’ll leave that one there…
- doesn't like horror or too-bloody movies, but does love action movies.
-is torn between loving being lazy and wanting to lose weight. I have a gym membership, but then...couch...

I think that's enough for today. What kind of girl are you?

You know, if you are a girl.

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  1. no horror flicks for me. i can't even read a scary book without making my husband come downstairs with me to the basement!! i'm an action movie junkie all the way!

    Vodka and Soda

  2. I love scary movies, but hate bloody movies.

    Also, dog is much easier than palm tree... Palm tree sits and starves silently, dog BUGS you if it's hungry. It's like a built in reminder! Fool proof!


I love comments almost as much as wine, so lay one on me, hot stuff.